You are correct, that is fucking crazy.

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Hey, it'll come in handy during grizzly bear attacks. One swipe with one of those mighty paws can do serious damage!

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I did too!!! Anything after that phrase is just not worth my time. Sorry, Doc. But that's just the way it is. My sanity is more important than your wonderful, always entertaining prose.

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Wait until they realise that the brown kids were safer because they were in cages in locked facilities . . .

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Santa Fe, Texas is about thirty miles south of where I live Even after the shooting there, people around here will not believe it's a problem more guns wouldn't solve. It is fucking crazy. This is Texas.

My partner and I are on the Galveston County Community Emergency Team. The EOM runs the program, and we are volunteers who have trained to be able to start an initial response until the first responders arrive. We learned search and rescue, advanced first aid, and other ways to help as many people as possible. We were in an active shooter drill for police training as actors a couple of weeks ago. Even though it wasn't real, it took a couple of days to shake it. The main reason I signed up was hurricanes. I guess we can't pick our disasters,

Part of our training was the "Stop the Bleed" skills. If people can do those things, it could save a lot of lives. I need to practice. I hope I don't need to use it.

I was texting for Beto O'Rourke campaign, and was asked several times how Beto stands on the 2nd Amendment. He got an F from the NRA. I wish I could tell them their gun fetish is based on a misreading of the 2nd.That is my opinion, and not something I say to anyone I don't know here, any more than I would use the word, "Democrat". This is Texas.

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Very fine people parts, perforated...

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An excellent alternative to the Easy Bake Oven.

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That Miller shit; 'Why can't the janitor take the bullet for us? We pay them don't we?'

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Very fine people parts?

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So you're just out in the halls, desperately trying to save your best friend's life, when the shooter comes up behind you and executes you both on the spot. Sure, that'll work!

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Lead doesn't have iron, not magnetic. Sorry, sometimes Science can be a real Buzzkill

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"Matrix Moves Monstessori Classes?"

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Do what I do for daytime drinking. Fill an old whiskey bottle with Ice Tea, pour over rocks, sip, count the hours until 5 PM

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"You just won Second Place"

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Sign outside Arkansas school. As a parent, it would give me great comfort to know that if some creep tried to grab my kid, Cletus the janitor and Lunch Lady Doris would draw their weapons and shoot. Because nothing could possibly go wrong sending lots of rounds towards my kid.

Fucking Morons


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Moonraker? Hah! More like this https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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