Well, trump claims Biden is too old.

Of course McConnell is older than Biden and is currently running for another six year term. I have heard no Repub complaints about this.

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Agreed. Usually I like her fine- in the past she's been a hard worker and a staunch ally.But this "I care more about the appearance of civility than the fact they're flat out cheating" is a bit bridge too far for me.Time to go.

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Much of that is based on a state's need. California is a very wealthy state. Kentucky, not so much. They need the extra money to provide even substandard benefits to their poorer citizens.

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This is true.But at the same time, if someone is kicking you in the head, you don't thank them and give them a hug.It's demoralizing to /our/ base. And we need all hands on deck

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If the Repubs lose the Senate they will be far less able to block anything. Especially if the Dems show some spine.

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term limits are undemocratic as fuck.If people WANT their rep, they should be allowed to keep them.

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In elections 54 to 46 is a medium landslide.

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She gets on my nerves at times just like most other politicians and that's about all I will say and I agree with you about the work she has done.

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There's taking the high road and there's letting yourself be walked all over. Like, don't spit in his face and call him a c**t on the floor or make jokes about his sexuality, but maybe don't maskless hug and thank him for his and his party's egregious, hypocritical, enabling bullshit. Jesus Christ. I'm pretty mild and moderate, I love norms, I love peace, I avoid confrontation like the plague and that sometimes comes out as cowardice, but DAMN FEINSTEIN MADE ME MAD.

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Good luck with that. I got busy signals all day trying to call her DC office, and her SF office mailbox is full. I ended up with a 450-word email including this bit:

Your words and actions suggest that you value civility and comity with your Senate colleagues over the very real concerns of your constituents. Senator Graham in particular has been a willing enabler for the most incompetent, venal, and destructive presidential administration in this country's history. Senator Graham is a perfect example of how the Republican Party has become the Trump Party, and your response to him seems to indicate that you find that acceptable. I don't.

I don't expect a response.

ETA: I just called her San Diego office and spoke to a human. I was polite but emphatic. It won't change her mind--that's the problem with her being 87--but I feel better.

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Dianne Feinstein is the Susan Collins of Joe Liebermans.

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Well, good. Not that you weren't able to say your piece, but that apparently lots of other people are calling to make noise. I categorized my email as "Health" and not "Judiciary." We'll see if I get a canned response about how seriously she takes COVID. Peh.

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She's become the Strom Thurmond of the D-Senate. Heck, even Thurmond wouldn't have brown-nosed Graham the way she did. What walking garbage.

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Yup. I can never forgive Pelosi for that. The smirk on Bush/Cheneys pig faces lit up the whole Capitol.

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The problem with Kevin De Leon is that while he led the Democratic majority in the state legislature, he repeatedly refused to bring a bill granting whistleblower protection for legislative employees to the floor, and he failed to act to stem what was apparently a toxic culture of sexual harassment. That simply wasn't a good look for Democrats in 2018.

It says something that Feinstein blew him away in the primary by almost 4 to 1; in the general, he got a lot of Republican votes because he wasn't the evil bitch from Sodom By the Bay. (Seriously--the crazies with the signs on 5 blame Feinstein, Pelosi, and probably still Obama for the drought.)

Feinstein should have retired two election cycles ago. But the Democrats in California also should have put up a candidate that didn't have major Me Too issues in 2018.

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I want Schiff to replace Pelosi eventually. I want Ted Lieu as the first Asian-American senator from California, and either Katie Porter or Karen Bass when Harris becomes VP (Gods Willing).

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