Somehow, I misread that as "urinary executive" LOL

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Susan Collins knows his slight discomfort.

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Christ on a cross! A warning please!!!

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Cheneys, Bushs, Clintons and Kennedys. Part of the reason for creating the United States was to get away from the aristocracy of Europe. Now we're growing our own.

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Dick being nice to his daughter but would take back his old failing heart to be part of a dictator's administration.

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John Quincy Adams was #6 and already a legacy. Don't kid yourself.

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Never been a fan of the Cheneys but what her fellow Repugs should have realized is the daughter of Darth isn't going to reside up someone's colon like the rest of them. She wants to be the boss and she knows it's not going to happen as long as Drumph is in the picture hence she must remove the threat to her future power. It's brilliant on her part she can't win with him but stands a chance if she removes and charge the butt residing fellow Republicans. She was underestimated and she'll make them pay sooner or later. Just wish they'd move faster I'm getting bored.

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It's kind of weird when hellspawn cites daddy about how bad evil has become.

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I'm waiting for a Liz Cheney vs Marjorie Taylor Greene cage match. Mad Marge won't know what hit her.

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Talk is cheap, Dick. And the power of the dark side is meaningless until you start choking out some motherfuckers on the bridge of the Death Star. Let's see some Cheney carnage.

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Man who sent GOP on bad path complains about path GOP is on

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Rick Wilson is one of the best skewerers alive. His book, "Everything Trump Touches, Dies," is absolutely hysterical! Thank you for sharing this clip :)))

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hard to execute it with the prostate being all yooge and stuff.

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Oh Manchu, you found it! I thought he was eating frozen custard but in this one, he appears to be drinking coffee.

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