"the other problem we’ve got is nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction."

Speak clearly, dick. Did you mean that we've got too many, or not enough?

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Dick Cheney is wrong about everything. Tragically, his errors have cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. Think about what we could have accomplished by NOT invading Iraq. Think about what those killed could have accomplished had they lived.

And let's not forget that Cheney ordered United flight 93 shot down -- ordered the summary execution of 40 of our fellow citizens while they were fighting for their lives to regain control of that aircraft. And he is admired by Republicans for it -- by the same Republicans who think it's tyranny to reform health insurance.

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this is what i always say about various ramones.

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ahh. so pleasing.

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course, they're redeemed by his daughter.

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I don't get this "waiting" thing.

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Wonkette, all I need to know about Dick is that he's dead and the address of the grave. I got a bus load of friends who look forward to pissing on that grave.

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That must be an old photo of Cheney, last time I saw him on TV he resembled the crypt keeper, but with tidier hair.

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How many horcruxes do we need to find?

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If we had PRISM in 2011, we probably would not have stopped 9/11.

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"Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney".

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The classics never go out of style, do they?

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