Weapon of Mass Delusion?

Whiner of Mass Derpstruction?

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Cheney complaining about Benghazi is like the captain of the Titanic complaining about a rowboat capsizing.

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Keep fucking that chicken Dick. Just remember that I will be on one of the many Greyhound buses filled with people who will happily travel to your grave so we may each have a moment of victory pissing on it.

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We do have Halloween coming up.

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That's it! Cheney is the incarnation of Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war, who needs sacrifices of human blood to continue living! It all makes sense!

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This is good news for Hillz and Bams. Cheney is wrong about everything.

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man that just hit me right in the gut.

well said.

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And then, tossing aside the now bloodied crowbar, he slid out of the room, leaving the limp, lifeless corpse of Irony lying on the floor.

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...<strong>PRO-TIP</strong>: if anyone performs a task that you yourself claimed is impossible, call them pussies because "you could've done it better"!

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Haven't the hackers hacked his heart yet?

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<i> it’s quite clear that Cheney feels in his “heart” that, no matter how much the Obama administration accomplishes in foreign affair...</i> His what? Even w quotes, those two words don't go together.

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I wonder who died in his place in Vietnam.

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