Well played sir - Tom Waits & Michael Moorcock in the same thread- must love teh Wonkit!

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You say that like it's a bad thing...

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You think he is fading, but he is just waiting for the beginning of quail season when he will be choosing his heart donor from among several down range hunting companions. This time, he should shoot someone a lot younger and in better shape.

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Brain parasites are a bitch.

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I have to think that if you can burn a flag as symbolic speech, then your bladder should be allowed it's say.


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Het Dick, let me reciprocate my concern to you using the same phrase you told Senator Patrick Leahy: "Go Fuck Yourself."

My next vacation trip will be to fly to your grave, grab a Super Big Gulp from a 7-11, fill it with Jack Daniels and spend the afternoon pissing on your grave.

Adios you flacid cockring.

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