DeStalin is term-limited as governor. Here’s hoping he is returned to the shit-heap of history once he is no longer dictator of FL.

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How do you ban a dictionary? Is DeSatan worried that someone will look up asshole and see his face? Or maybe some other part of his anatomy?

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So I suppose biology courses are right out?

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"The 1000+ books they reference have not been banned or removed from the school district; rather, they have simply been pulled for further review to ensure compliance with the new legislation. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous and counterproductive."

Fuck you, you fucking book burners.

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They get off on this censoring, after all, this prurient fascination with controlling sexual information for young people is itself, well, one didn't need to be Freud to see this (have the Florida nazis gotten around to banning him yet?)

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Just wait, the day is Jung.

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I learned pretty much everything I know about sex from books. I was in 4th grade when a library book I checked out of the public library informed me that sexual intercourse was a thing "married adults" did. It was written for kids!! Then later on when I was 18 years old I tried it out. So, see!! Also the . rest of the 4th grade girls learned about it too. I was a very sharing individual.

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Sharing? Some call it grooming.

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I was 10 years old and I had some major information! Plus it was 1962. But sure, I was grooming my fellow 4th graders.

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Well! I learned from my best friend Teri also when I was in the 4th grade. Her mother actually told her how it worked. The real way. When the bestie told me that men ejaculate, I shouted out, “Oh she’s lying!” She replied:

“Well she’s got 4 kids. I’d think that she’d know.”

Best. Answer. Ever!

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Louis Tocco told me in 5th grade out in the yard at Christ the King school in Detroit that men put their thing inside women. Incredulous, I said: "What if they peed while it's up there?!" and he responded: "THEY DO!!!!!!"

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It looks like they just went through and tagged every single book. It's weird, though, they banned a lot of Judy Blume, but not Are you there, God.... I've been a middle school librarian, and a public librarian, and a lot of these banned books are completely arbitrary.

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I've had the New York steamer at Firehouse Subs.

Is the Cleveland steamer a new sandwich they're offering? Sounds yummy.

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Does the New York Steamer include lies about Joe Biden and looking the other way at all of Donald Trump's crimes?

Oh wait. That's the New York Times. My bad.

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I wouldn't look up what "Glass Bottom Boat", unless you're into it.

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"and can you believe the bastards pulled all five books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy?"

I blame Eccentrica Gallumbits.

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She is quite a whore, I've heard.

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three tittehs are too much for our moral scolds.

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Three titties? Awesome!

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I have 3. Okay just one is undeveloped but nature gave me a nipple. Shame. Completely wasted.

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If some total stranger asks how many nipples you have, lie.

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yeah, Cleveland is definitely too racy to be in the dictionary.

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Let's assign Calvin Coolidge's letters to his mistress to the kids in History class. That'll make history come alive for them.

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Supposedly, after Samuel Johnson published his A Dictionary of the English Language, two women complimented him for omitting the "naughty" words. He replied "What, my dears! Then you have been looking for them?"

(It may be an urban legend, but if it is, it should be true.)


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I'd joke that Florida will ban the alphabet next, because it can be used to spell things like:

* sex

* gay

* race

* woke

* Disney

* Please, for the love of humanity, don't vote for any Republicans, I don't care if it's just county commission and the candidate is the coach of your kid's soccer team, none of them, at all.

But that might give them ideas so pretend I didn't write that.

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A number of county level offices often have candidates running unopposed, both sides of the aisle. We don't seem to see some of the uglier partisanship locally, for now.

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..." They should probably finish reviewing this current tranche of 1000+ books some time before Florida voters get sick of this and vote out DeSantis and his crew of idiots. Maybe."

Never going to happen- Maga American moves to Florida specifically for the racism and censorship. We're self sorting

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Yeah I was informed by my conservative Aunt that her friend told her that Florida was the land of freedom. 🤣🤣🤣

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Funk & Wagnalls, baby! 𝘈 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘋𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, oh! Try and get through 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 without blushing...

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Lithopolis, Ohio was the birthplace of Wagnalls. Attend Lithopolis High School all four years, you get a full ride to any university that'll have you.

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𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘺 if Greek is recalled accurately... Go Stoners!

High school matters more than people like to think, certainly more than I thought.

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"Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls!" was a typical catch phrase from 𝘙𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘯 & 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘐𝘯 back in the day

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"... hermetically sealed in a jar stored under Funk&Wagnall's porch..."

was part of a recurring Johnny Carson skit

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At this point, Florida should just go for it:

eliminate schools altogether. I mean, that’s the logical end point of all this, right? Ain’t nobody need no book larnin’ and just think of all the money FL could funnel to the GOP donor class!

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Last I heard they were hiring retired military folks with no teaching (or education?) requirements to deal with the shortage of educators made much worse by all of the trained teachers who can do so bolting for a more sane state like Mississippi or Texas.

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Sure these military personnel may have seen active combat but seriously? A 7th grade classroom is much more dangerous. Good luck to ‘em!

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Benn there done that.

I had a study class of 7th graders on the last period of Fridays.

During the HS football season, when the weather was gawdawful and the game might be canceled or rescheduled, the whining from them was both sad and amusing to me.

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Wow. Unsurprising though. All professionals must be fleeing the state. Doctors, educators, employers who care about their female and LGBTQIA employees. All that will be left are retirees and people who couldn't get out and Christofascists. It's so like the Taliban it's not even funny. Disney needs to do something drastic like move its park. Pipe dream, but god that would be amazing.

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Would it still be Disney World without the alligators.

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It may have been in here a while back threre was a story about Louisiana's one or only one of two pediatric cardiologists in the entire state.

Who packed up his shit and left because he was gay and felt like he and his husband had no future in that state.

Irony: When "pro-life" idiots drive out the people who actually save children's lives and they actually cause the deaths of many many actual born humans.

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The cruelty is the point.

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The scorpion and the frog fable as public policy. Ain't the GOP grand!

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So, was a specific devise a hoax or is it all of them?

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