She is protecting tax cuts for the rich- so there is that

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Coyotes- Rick Perry would shit his britches if he ever came face to face with an actual wolf

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Oppressed Rafalca RoMoney is grateful.

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I wish I could cheer this but the fact remains, in regard to social issues, "conservatives" only recognize the legitimacy and humanity of anyone who is not a "straight" (wink wink), white, middle-aged male when they are personally affected by a given issue. If this Ms. Cheney were not a lesbian, she'd be the other Ms. Cheney through and through. So, instead of cheers, I'll go with...

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Let's not forget her mother, Lynne Cheney. She's no day at the beach, either. She could fisic a pole-cat.

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Thanks, Mary. Altho, why in the living fuck did you give to the Romney campaign who promised to undo your own gay marriage? So, it this to make up for that ? If so, great, we're even.But no accolades to you for correcting your earlier dickishness.


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I am so confused. A Gay Republican that is not self hating? That is unpossible.

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...well, as grateful as a bottle of Elmer's Glue can be, anyway. ;P

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Yeah, why does she hate Europe so much?

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Gay/lesbian Republicans infuriate me. They know the time is coming soon when their party will have to grudgingly accept them as human beings worthy of being treated as such, and when that happens, they will happily turn around and pull up the drawbridge to keep racial and religious minorities and poor people off their island of privilege. Classic "I got mine, screw the rest of you."

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I'm not conceding that she's not self-hating. She's still a republican and that is, ultimately, not in any human's best interest.

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Poor Mary. I'd hate to the see the comments section of her column.

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That's only because they know their viewers don't read as a point of principle.

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No! Let them keep screaming about the obscenity of it all. You don't want any of them elected President, do you?

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It's already happening, witness the recent story about the fundraiser at the two gay Republican hotel magnates' place.

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"who can most effectively stoke the unfounded fears of the far right" is who gets the nomination, so good luck trying to change it.

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