Nixon kicked the Postmaster General out of the Whitehouse cabinet.Which set the stage for Reagan to say, Government is not the solution; it's the problem.

There was a big economic sea change with Reagan's revolution.He equated public servants with inferior.and it isn't irony that many blacks had previously found employment in the public sector.

The GOP has equated publicwith former slaveswho former plantation owners resent

Because they multiplied the black populationthrough rape,and they sold their own children.

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Right now, the EC.any gap between popular vote, and EC indicates the need for a tune-up.

Eliminate winner take all state rules. Those should be considered discriminatory.The federal government needs to demand citizen inclusion in voting process.We need more representatives, at least in the EC*.More representatives will reduce the effectiveness of gerrymandering.Registration drives. Declare Juneteenth the national day to register.

^review the 1941 law called, "Method of Equal Proportion"

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I heard of only one case.It was a woman who cast an absentee ballotand tried to vote in person as well.

But that wasn't first person Voter impersonation.

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And that's a reason more people don't commit voter fraud.they aren't imbeciles .

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and gives Republicans cause to say "Voter Fraud"

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fuckery. I love that word.

I'll add it to my rant about how fvck is a noun, a verb, adjective and adverb. feing fkery fkr fvk fvkly fvk

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And the wave of arrests of dangerous anti-American weirdos continues apace, just as predicted by Q. Except in a twist, it’s all wingnuts getting arrested for breaking the law as they try desperately to prove that liberals are lawless.

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Wingnut Homes for the Paranoid and Confused. If errrybody is “in” on it, how can they trust anyone?

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Considering what happened to People's Temple members who met Jim Jones or Branch Davidians familiar with Koresh, maybe not knowing the cult leader is a smart move.

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"Straight and Crooked Thinking" by Robert Thouless would probably not sell well these days.In fact the plenitude of crooked thinkers we now have would surely point out that "Thouless" is "Soulless," pronounced with a lisp. He's the devil's agent! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-HAAAAAAA!

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Recent stuff aside, I spent a day with John Dowd many years ago. Nice guy and FASCINATING baseball stories about Pete Rose, Dave Winfield, and George Steinbrenner.

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Actually, the full moon affect happens from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after the full moon

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Mall Of America Food Court as to vote 9-0 on it first.

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Good guess, but not this time.

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It costs money and annoys the other inmates.

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If there is any election fraud in this country, there is a 97% chance Rethuglicans are perpetrating it.

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