The rural poor are doubly screwed. If you can get someone to set up programs to help them, it doesn't mean shit if you don't have the means to access that help because you don't have a car and no public transit.

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Remember that time, long ago and far away, when he said with his own two lips "I will not sign any healthcare reform bill that does not contain a public option."

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I don't doubt it at all.

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Yep. I get my meds for free. The MS drug-pushing functions are actually nice to go to, you learn a lot AND you get a nice free meal out of it, too. A lot of people don't know that if you're having to take an expensive med, you can usually contact the company that makes the drug and get it for free, or at very low cost, if you qualify. The drug companies just use it as a write off.

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Replacing an airbag is fucking expensive.

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My nephew couldn't even get Medi-Cal or whatever they call the health program for poor folks....until he was diagnosed as terminal.

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She was for it before she was against it, LOL!

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I haven't heard her campaigning for a public option or single payer for the last 22 years. She did in '93. That's nice. That and $2 will get you a cup of coffee.

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I love it these days when standing up for what's right is called "lefty purity politics." Dems don't lose because of "lefty purity politics." They lose because they stand for whichever way the wind is blowing at the time, and spinelessness.

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She hasn't been running for president for 22 years, no matter what the GOP thinks. I was merely pointing out to Joe Beese, who seems to think that Hillary's support for a public option began only after Sanders began running, her actual record on the issue is much older.

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A rose by any other name would have just as many thorns. Translate? Sure - call it what you will it still takes a minor miracle to get abuse cases prosecuted. There was one a few years back - I think in WI, somewhere in Midwest - where elderly patients were deliberately over-medicated to justify trach procedures so they could breath again. Abuse? Yes it was, but the tracheotomies were not considered fraud or abuse. It went on for years before enough people actually died to trigger an investigation.Did the law work? So, again, try answering the question - how does single payer actually address the problem? Not in theory, but in practice?

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I think YOU are being obtuse. I pasted a quick acknowledgement that Medicare abuse is illegal and then went on to list reasons it does not get prosecuted.IF you had read past "But..." you might have seen that. Hence, the definition of "But" so you might understand.

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Insurance companies:First they want to woo you (for moneys)Then they want to screw you (for same)

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I have not had any issues with my Aetna plan, they have payed all my medical bills except for the $10 co-pay I owe. Stay in the network and you won't get screwed. Ok, Librarian, in the previous post. How do Insurance Companies Woo you (for moneys) and second, How do they screw me (for same) BACK IT UP !! I can

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Shit, I said "Collectively", didn't I? Dammit, my cover is blown!

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