The problem with paying a CEO a gagillion dollars to go away is that it lets the CEO keep thinking they did an awesome job.

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Unrepentant Fuckups is the name of my garage band tribute band.

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Welllllll, if you're dumb enough to believe "Curveball", Cheney, and Rummy's intelligence information, then you're probably dumb enough to go on Stewart's show and not realize it's not going to be the slow pitch softball you get on networks and 24 hr channels.

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Yeah, there's that. But I also get the sense that Jon has found his own "bucket list" now that he's leaving TDS. What does he have to lose by putting a minor celebrity on the hot seat? Also, too - he could be positioning himself for his next gig as "intellectual Interviewer". We haven't see many of those lately.

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The went extinct when Tim Russert died.

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Why am I not surprised that former CEOs and the like always think they would make great politicians because they think government should make a profit at the expense of the people that that the government represents. To them the government should take care of corporations and corporations will take care of people...But alas that is only GOP propaganda...CEO politicians strip government of all its services except the servicing part of taking care of them at the top.(subsidies,large tax breaks etc)...That is why they run for office ..not to help the people but to help their people....

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Maybe Carly hasn't learned that is is better to swallow than to be a spitter.

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Carly has such an ego problem that I doubt that the golden parachute inflated it all that much.

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Whaddaya mean "organic revenue growth"?

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One thing HP did that made the least sense to me was spinning off their test equipment and other non-computing businesses into Agilent. While generating much lower revenue than computers, servers, and printers, all the equipment Agilent made was highly profitable with huge margins.

Recently, Agilent spun off the electronic / RF measurement stuff from life sciences.

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"... we definitely think that Fiorina probably DID have some hurdles to jump, being the first woman in that kind of position. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t ALSO suck..."

Let a Conservative make this same argument about President Obama (and they have), and the first and, frankly, only response from the Left is the shrill, shrieking screed of "Racism!"

Gotta love the endless duplicity of the Left.

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That's because most of animus aimed at the President by Republicans and their rabid base of voters was racially driven. We aren't blind or deaf. Most of us seen what was going on, on right wing blogs/sites and social media that carried over to Republican politicians, especially the hate group Teabaggers. If I had time and room I could list hundreds of examples, including teabagger protest signs.

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You LIBTERDZ are comical. List 10 examples.

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she is definitely one you need to vet. just because shes a woman doesn't make her a president of america. my instinct tell me that she is not right for the job. i am a pretty good judge of character and i don't think miss fiorina is deserving of this position. you must read more about her. what i have read is not good. also what her character when she speaks. she seems evil to me. not sincere not caring just eager to have power. another hillary clinton on the right side now.

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The figure is actually 30,000 laid off workers and Hewlett Packard had to split Compaq into a separate division again because they should never have been merged to begin with.Fiorina was far too aggressive and her tactics failed because they weren't well thought out and she rightfully was fired.The company has yet to recover

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shorter billr: "You're raaaccciiisssttttt!"

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