It’s pretty obvious that Wonkette skipped nomenclature class at Mommy Blog Journalism school. Here’s a helpful refresher:Tax cuts for the wealthy = job creator freedom cuz billionaires are the best (except Soros) Tax cuts for the middle class = socialism for takers who will just spend it on food or somethingRepublican deficit = freedom dividend that fills bathtub for drowning nasty government Democratic deficit = boat anchor around our grandchildren’s neckDefense budget increase = giant planes and missiles to deliver extra loud mega-freedomsFunding increase for mass transit = socialism for socialist cities where no real Americans liveOil depletion allowance = petroleum freedom just like the Founders wantedChild tax credit = socialism for little parasites who just take and takeSupreme Court ending voting rights and endorsing gerrymander = freedom, flags and eagles!Stacey Abrams voter drive = sneaky fraud by scary Black woman, also communism and maybe ChinaPublic education - gay socialist indoctrination, also kills Jesus with sciencePrivate bible schools - freedom halos, plus God will stop sending hurricanes to destroy us

There’s more, but this is a good start. Please commit to memory before writing anymore blasphemous stories about tax cuts and infrastructure bills.

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Sad that I only have one upfist to give!

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Sweet lort... I forgot how smoking hot that man was.

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Except masks.

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RoJo also held out on passing the 2017 giveaway to the rich until it included a provision for pass through corporations like the one owned by ... RoJo! I wonder if every R senator got a special line item just for themselves? It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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Ah thanks for that helpful translation.

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IIJA : The McTurtle Unit will not block the bill


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They negotiated it down to half of what it was and took out some popular provision and are trying to ram in a tax break for themselves. Of course they will vote against in en masse. I wish Schumer & Biden would get over himself and realize that Republicans are simply not interested in governing. Period.

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It's weird how resistant they are to some simple policy corrections, right? Share a little, crack down a violence just a tad, throw some health care bones to the poorest poor. It takes so little.

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Reagan's whitehouse is responsible for so much of why our society is just crap that someday the GOP will have to ban teaching about Reagan's years as president.

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Pffft and his tie doesn't even reach to his knees. Clearly unpresidential.

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"Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act"


Totally cool name!

Maybe we can bring back Izzy, the Mascot of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics (because that's the first thing we all think about when we remember the 1996 Atlanta Olympics).

Maybe a little gender realignment (from "whatever" to "who knows") and Izzy becomes IIJA?

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The name escapes me….

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Here's a link to the video (2 minutes) if I did it right


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just wait until next month when the republicans all vote not to raise the debt ceiling because DEFICIT!!!!

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Supposedly Ike made sure to add "and Defense" to the interstate highway bill, because of government spending hawks who worried that building highways across the country and providing well-paying jobs would just cost too much. But by adding that good highways would help defend our nation (and of course this was during the Cold War, where any accusation of "why you hate Murka?" would kill any politician's reelection hopes).

National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956

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