Yes. He's an ephebophile, the wife doesn't matter.

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Wasn't he interested in a teenage Lindsey Lohan?

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President Jimmy Carter was ashamed that he had "lusted in his heart" after some unspecified woman, while President-Reject Donald Trump admitted repeatedly that he lusted in person after his 13-year-old pubescent daughter. That means that Carter was the eviler of the two for keeping his feelings bottled up, am I right?

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Exactly. Literally nothing to see here and Cohen's editors did him a favor.

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I doubt my parents had any exploitative motives when they told me that, and it still feels like a dirty job that someone's gotta do; in this post-11/9 world, it feels like less and less people will.

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Out with the fetid water, in with the polluted water. Out with the semi sane, in with the batshit crazies.

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You are right, yes.

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I'm sorry for what you had to go through. And it gives me chills to hear what you see with these two. Ivanka won't talk because she can't. No one would believe her. Trump would deny it vociferously, throw her under the bus in a heartbeat. The loyal would call her a needy little monster who just wants attention, maybe she's jealous of her beautiful stepmother or something. She'd be smashed into bits and the orangutan would go on.

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Ew. Ew. Ew. Just... Ew. And WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, also.

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Yep, absolutely true. But still, ew.

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But with votes, of course.

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Well, OK - your parents probably hoped that you would be a decent person and maybe even believed that it was the right thing (it is). What we need is to separate the idea of decency meaning any more than decency - no one will give you points for honesty or decency. In fact, it may be to your detriment.

Doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do but you can no longer expect the general public to think better of you for being decent, let alone for them to be decent.

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Wait until the day after Donald dies of old age. The bidding war between publishers over Ivanka's tell-all book will be amazing.

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Richard Cohen? That old hack's not dead yet? Is he still writing columns about how terrible it is that women one-quarter his age aren't sexually attracted to him?

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Dies of old age? With that fat ass, that temper, and that coke habit? He'll stroke out somewhere around January 25.

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Sorry in advance, you guys, but that picture tells us all there is to tell. He's been pawing at her since she was a toddler, and she's got Stockholm Syndrome about it, because that's the only "normal" she knows.

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