The next time your friend does that, shoot this their way.


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An arts and crafts blog once remarked that glitter was the herpes of the arts and crafts world.

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Sheesh. What kind of a policy did he have - quintuplequadralinealcagefrageslitic indemnity?

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There are no rules as commenting is not allowed. You can be banhammered though.

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If my dog was a dumb as my president, I would not have been able to teach him how shake like a normal being and he would do some kind of jerking motion with his paw. https://youtu.be/V-fnKKQDGF...

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Hell, 17 million is just pocket change to your average Republican. It's just a misdemeanor.

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I once got a Le Car as a loaner from a dealership and it started overheating. I was so annoyed I drove it all the way home overheating like mad. Not a problem for the Le Car. Put some water in the radiator and it was fine.

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God didn't have much to do during the 4.5 billion years when there were no humans.

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Your dog's reputation is also unimpeachable. Unlike ...

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The question is: how can he get maximum grift out of the next hurricanes. Bonus points for having the government pay for it AND getting insurance money as well.

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Have I mentioned today how much I FUCKING HATE DONALD TRUMP?

I especially hate that he's all anyone talks about anymore. There is not one single speck of anyone's life that that shitweasel hasn't negatively affected.


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Very well, different subject:Hurricane Irma did a number on certain southern parts of the Netherlands and France.Jose will probably pass them by.

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i kinda cringed watching every movie mickey rooney was ever in....world-class scenery-eater....for the absolute worst, see "Tiffany, breakfast at"

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you can be sure that FL will get all the FEMA moneys, early and often

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here's the mar-a-gulago thoughts-prayers shipment....there might be a lost vote or two thrown in somewhere.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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