The only way a drive through beer store could be better is if the sold guns 'n' ammo too. Do they also have Shooting Range Bars where you live?

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I had a manual when I lived in San Francisco, and had zilch problems with it. It did have the new anti-roll tech on the hills, though, which helped tremendously.

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I'm dreading becoming a grandmother. Not over the age thing. Over how the spawn might want me to babysit. Because I'll feel obligated to say yes, even though what I'll be screaming inside is:


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But then we make their kids look bad, and you can haven't your precious snowflake look bad next to a Jew!

Come on! That's not 'Murka!

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Has he looked in the fricking mirror?

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The Post. FFS, they obviously don't even use a recent pic, because they can't without exposing what lying halfwits they are.

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Most of them don't look this disgusting.

I'm thinking more of the trailer trash that you see at the post office, screaming at the window clerks to get his disability check in his filthy hands (literal), right now. The kind who says his disability is real, and all those other libturds are just mooches. but not him, nosirreebob.

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The chances are quite high that he's this way because his mother made him this way.

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Yep, that site sure is a mecca for child-lovers, alright.

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These non-comments just don't cut the mustard.

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That. is. wonderful. I see an Oscar® for that movie .... make sure to get a cut of the gross!

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Women have been shifting sticks since the first date night.

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Wha? How'd that happen? They started to make my now-X sign everything and that's when we BOTH brought it to a screeching stop.

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That would be kind of a given, wouldn't it? And, holy cats, why would someone even make cauliflower pizza crust anyway?

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I don't hold them until they can support their own heads. I have to hold up my own head, so, goddammit, they should also, too.

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I'm pretty sure he just crawled out of the slime.

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