Her parents need to dope-slap her upside the head.

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What I can't figure out is the constant, vituperative rage. And I don't think it is even a shtick.

With Rush, for instance, or Jim Bakker, or even Alex Jones, yeah, they can work up a storm for the camera but on some level it is an act. Especially Rush.

You can almost see him figuring out his next Dom Rep itinerary behind all the bombast.

With Malkin, I don't get that sense. She always looks like a festering boil that is about to explode.

I have gotten very angry a very few times in my life but nothing like this and not for a (marginal media) career.

If I attempted to do this, even as an act, and even for a couple of weeks, I would pop a carotid artery.

This is my idea of life as a living Hell.

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The shitforbrains is strong with that woman.

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Queen Charlotte, wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita de Castro y Sousa, a mixed race branch of the Portuguese Royal House. So you see, the last time there was mixed a race Queen of England, the King lost half of his empire.

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Something like that. Then he met Meghan, and suddenly started getting sensitive and pussy-whipped and stuff--maybe even did therapy! It's really all her fault.

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The easier question to ask is: “What’s right with this picture?”


Fucking up Velcro is noteworthy, however.

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I know a wunnerful Canadian woman, and I wasn’t sure what to say when she asked rhetorically: “Why is this old bag [Queen Elizabeth] on my money?” I did snicker silently, however....

The American fascination with the House of Windsor baffles me, and I’m a Yank.

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A “yellow hammer” in mining states, as in: “Billy ‘ain’t right,’ but we gotta put him to work, so he’s got a yellow hammer so folks know....”

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“Thigh-gap” visible. Not a good look.

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Michelle Malcontent.

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Even LSD can’t undo the horror of a lesion suit.

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I'm extremely proud to announce that I have absolutely no idea who Michelle Malkin is.

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Harry is considered the world's foremost expert on Antarctic ice latrines.

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The Force would have it's greatest affect on her.

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I wonder how poor Michelle Malkin is going to react when she finds out that Vladimir Putin doesn't always go around shirtless.

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Thanks, but it was meant to be.Dad was the doctor and one of the ones that nagged me to be one.Now I'm so retired it isn't funny. Let my specialty certification lapse. I ride my horse and play with my grandsons.

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