Mostly because we aren't into extraordinary rendition.

Although someone sending him to Thailand on a one-way ticket and an ounce of coke in his luggage wouldn't cause me any tears.

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My take is: If our laws can't stop this kind of shit, then we need new laws...Or simply to USE the ones we DO have...This kind of shit CANNOT be allowed to continue day after day day...It's literally eroding our society...Any 'protected speech' that can do THAT needs to be eliminated or SERIOUSLY revised

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Because there are a lot of people with a lot of money who stand to gain when sewer rats like O'Keefe are out and about doing their dirty work. Apologies to sewer rats.

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I haven't even seen it come before the COURTS yet though...I can see an infuriating VERDICT but not even making it to COURT?

Its just...

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Yes, their idea of it, anyway.

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I have a new search term.

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I'm James-O and this is Crimeass.

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The unexamined life is hell for the people around those living it.

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Project Veritas = PV = Papilloma VirusCoincidence?

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What does this okeefe dipshit have to do to go to jail? Vote for a Democrat in Texas?

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So, should I assume the MS. Owens would think that a woman making a sandwich for her girlfriend is a sin, but fellating her husband in front of the world would be "power"?

If not, what was her point in specifying genders?

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Seems like a fair question to ask.

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Only at a fundraiser for TFG would passing around a woman’s stolen diary be considered as entertainment.

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What kinda sandwich?

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how about the media who lie for them and profit?I remember the Very Serious Journalists All Mad that Queefer and Co got raided for just trying to blackmail a presidential candidate with his daughter's rehab diary.Lots of articles and blogs about their First Amendment Rights!!!! To publish someone else's diary, as I recall. Fuckstains

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If "getting this asshole out of my life is worth $100 bazillion dollars to me," then maybe he did profit.

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