There was a time when i was young and ignorant and hadn't heard much of the breadth of hip hop and thought Rap was its own, separate thing. I actually said out loud "Rap isn't music."

It's something I remember to my embarrassment to this day. It showed a poor understanding (hell, abject ignorance) of music history, of even the definition of music, and of how white art is privileged in the US.

I wasn't raised with much appreciation for the Sugarhill Gang, but Public Enemy is sure as fuck music, and if I had to love them belatedly because I was too up in my white privilege as a teenager in the 80s, I still love them.

Party for your right to fight, everybody.

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That man was hot and smooth. Banana Dreamboat, more like.

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He is the showman of that band!

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What? Too soon for Gigi Bryant?

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Point Villago.

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Never heard it. Thankfully.

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As someone who depends on the ACA insurance for an aging spouse, I was infuriated by his cluelessness.

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Dave was a complete asshole, and arrogant as fuck.

The fact that he disliked some people whose music never worked for me doesn't make me like him. (Nor, frankly, does the fact that he did make music that worked for me.)

Regardless of the art, an asshole is still an asshole.

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Spent a long night under a table in that burgh

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NAH, Neil's always been an activist.

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Aww Snap.

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Guess Flav's clock is broken because he doesn't know what time it is anymore. Chuck sure does. And good on him for it! Bernie's for the people. Biden's for the elites and big business. It's not rocket surgery people.

Let's get this party started rightRight on, c'monWhat we got to sayPower to the people no delay!Make everybody seeIn order to fight the powers that be!

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Nor does it excuse their racism.

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He's not the first black president so stop with that racist lie. He's bi-racial. He's equally as white as he is black.

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Biden and Bloomers represent the elites and big business. They wouldn't deign to piss on the middle-class if they were on fire.

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