He also shows up at a lot of his alma mater's sportsing events (even non-basketball ones) and is damned gracious about it, clowning around with the cheerleaders and coaching staff, hanging with the players, and posing for fan selfies.
Speaking as a resident of a place where really good pizza is never more than about 15 minutes away, it seems to me that a lot of those dollars come from people who have never tasted decent pizza, and live in places where Papa John's is the best they can get delivered.
😂😂🤣 Schnitzel!! Nothing on it but the breadcrumbs. Actually until I got to that sentence I was imagining some kind of Italianized schnitzel but vegetarian and with spinach in it. That’s what we’re wanting. 😋
“Papa John“ is supposed to be like some Italian dad in a black and white newsreel of the lower Eastside in an episode of The Simpsons? I had no idea. I thought it was supposed to be Southern. Like Dr. John. Oh wait that’s piano playing. I agree with you completely on the ethno grabbing. Besides you can easily Germanize pizza by putting either sausage or chocolate cake on it. 🍕
I will be standing at the door when "Fraulein Pennacchia's Haus of Schnitzel,"opens for the first time.
Tombstone is by far the best freezer pizza
Point of order: Mile High Stadium (that's what it'll always be!) has grass and always has as far as I know
Signed, A Broncos fan
He also shows up at a lot of his alma mater's sportsing events (even non-basketball ones) and is damned gracious about it, clowning around with the cheerleaders and coaching staff, hanging with the players, and posing for fan selfies.
This one? https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Speaking as a resident of a place where really good pizza is never more than about 15 minutes away, it seems to me that a lot of those dollars come from people who have never tasted decent pizza, and live in places where Papa John's is the best they can get delivered.
I picture him riding through the empty hallways of that place on a Big Wheel, clutching a slice of pizza.
though funny now Shaq is their spokesperson now, and though he's a big guy and retired....he isn't fat.
Pizza Pizza: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I believe you mean Li Qing's Lucky 88 Banquet Hall Palace
😂😂🤣 Schnitzel!! Nothing on it but the breadcrumbs. Actually until I got to that sentence I was imagining some kind of Italianized schnitzel but vegetarian and with spinach in it. That’s what we’re wanting. 😋
“Papa John“ is supposed to be like some Italian dad in a black and white newsreel of the lower Eastside in an episode of The Simpsons? I had no idea. I thought it was supposed to be Southern. Like Dr. John. Oh wait that’s piano playing. I agree with you completely on the ethno grabbing. Besides you can easily Germanize pizza by putting either sausage or chocolate cake on it. 🍕
Almost all the Italian restaurants in San Francisco in the 80s were run by Greeks. Italian, it’s a brand!
Hoat quizene I feel is what goats eat on their birthday.
“Feral parsimoniousness“ is the greatest phrase! *Tips hat* 🎩
Flamkuchen = flame cake. 😳 🔥 🍰 🔥 That’s good though. Especially the Leipzig kind. Mind you you need a prize for going to Leipzig.
As far as I can see ALL Americans are. Or at least 1/8. I have 2 non-contiguous German grandparents. #AsAmericanAsAppleStrudel