Are you the Secret Service?

No, ma'am. We're musicians.

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I'm not even talking about telemarketers- the Windows Registry thing is an out and out scam designed to steal money from stupid people. I'm nice to most people on the phone (my first job was doing telephone surveys), but I draw the line at criminal activity.

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His cupcake brings all the voters to the yard.

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You can't prove it <i>isn't</i> true, female academic-type, so there. Nyah.

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Halfrican black-and-white cookies are more of a NYC thing, I reckon.

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Love means never having to say you're sorry for dissing the Veep (and humbly making sure the press knew all about it) because of something the Prez said that's so clearly delineated by his preceding and following sentences that no honest fifth grader could fail to understand.

We heathens need more instruction in righteousness from this merchant of confectionery compassion.

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You know they're just lousy with truth and integrity when they go to the trouble of sending racial slurs. Maybe she's a Sunday School teacher? I only wish we were as righteous and morally upstanding as these real Americans. (sniffle)

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"Cavalcade of cookies" is one of the most appetizing things I've read this week. It wouldn't make a bad blog name either.

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I regret that I have but one pancreas to give for the Revolution.

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This from a d00d who wants privacy in the boudoir.

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Apparently I've been interpreting the principles of modern marketing, like, 100% wrong.

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I too have really wanted to bake cookies tonight.

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Now that's just going too far. You ruined the joke.

Of course the shop owner knows that electricity comes from <i>sockets.</i>

(Rearden Metal is probably inside them)

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Worked for a fast food company and died of a heart attack. If was a good Christian he would know that bible verse about reaping what you sow.

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I promise to post the link when they close. My prediction is sometime next summer. Radford is a college town and it clears out in May. A business that wants to stay can't be pissing off the faculty.

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And no mention of those Secret Service men. Interesting.

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