Always remember that Althouse married a man she "met" as a commenter on her blog.

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So am I to assume from Althouse's reaction to the Washington Post rapey article, that she has now become more accepting of rape? Because, you know, how <i>sympathetic</i> the article was.

Ann Althouse climbin' in your windows, snatchin' your people up, tryna rape 'em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband, cuz Alt's rapin' errbody out here

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i won't be able to form an opinion on this until jennifer rubin weighs in.

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The New York Times crossword puzzle had a lot of really hard clues that we didn't know the answer to and thus is part of a lame stream media attempt to help Obama.

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James O'Keefe?

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Yeah ... why can't they just accept that God intended for them to get raped (with votes)?

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"I like rape."

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I've been toting up the apparent IQ scores of conservatard commenters. Althouse hasn't moved the total, but she just did some serious damage to the average.

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Still with the butthurt! That is just whining; shouldn't they take action: I'm thinking seppuku. <i>No body likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to eat some worms.</i> Once they have gotten that out of the way, we'll all recognize how much we miss and need them and that they were (far) right all along.

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Nothing against anyone at all, but I am taking my dog for a walk. For one week. She will be happy as will I. Toodles!

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