... too subtle? Pants are "overrated" you know.

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An account? Singular?

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Obama probably thought the alternative would have been worse, especially with the economic malaise going on at the time...

Regardless, it's definitely one of those "hindsight is 20/20" kind of arguments.

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Did it compound your dislike of the company?

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well they sure evolved since they sold bogus mortgage bundles from selling homes to unqualified buyers who - surprise - got foreclosed - now it's bogus accounts, and cards that keep you in debt - what's next - canned air

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this is going to be my christmas card this year.

fuck 2016.


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The kid has been trying to get rid of one of those cards for literally years, but they've repeatedly not closed it when requested and then charged her for not paying fees. I can't imagine how bad it is for people who actually use them.

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because his billionaire hedge fund manager supporters didn't want the electors to stampede, so they poured money in?

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Well...I stole this gem from an atheist friend on facebook:

"When someone asks you 'WWJD," remind them that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is within the realm of possibilities."

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Oh please. Some of us have to deal with family who happily voted for Trump because he's "a good guy who knows business and will make us the best nation on Earth again."

The only part of Christmas that makes up for that? The hundred bucks in my stocking.

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Oh god please no don't make me wistful for the days of getting my refund in the form of a paper check from the cashier's office.

My first two semesters as an undergrad (Fall '05 and Spring '06), my refunds were printed, signed by the bursar, and ready for pickup by the second week of class. Then I just had to walk five minutes to my bank and have them cash and deposit the check (because, for whatever reason, depositing it meant I had to wait for it to show up in my account). When I got a job on campus, I opted for direct deposit of all my checks from the university--which cut the waiting period down to practically nothing.

Fun tidbit: My last semester as an undergrad, my refund check was in my bank account three days before classes started.

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I'm personally finishing up a sixer of this stuff called "Not Your Daddy's Ginger Ale," and although the taste isn't the best I've ever had...it isn't bad by any measure.

It was a gift, ok? Alone with lots of cheddar popcorn and a new mouse for my laptop.

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For me, it's student loans. But on the other hand, no credit cards! Yay!

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Not to mention getting the FBI and CIA to do his dirty work, hint hint

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yes, a cc is handy for emergencies, no doubt...i hope you can get one with a decent interest rate, in the low-mid teens% is about as good as i can manage...if you do get one, i'll pass along what my coworker, who's practical problem solving skills are beyond mine, told me she does with hers (when i was whinging to her about how i need to get my card debt down)

"you take that damn card and put it in a ziploc bag of water and put it in the freezer, and if you still wanna use it by the time it thaws out, at least ya had time to think about it"

which kinda defeats the 'emergency use' aspect, but i'm taking it under advisement

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Nobody could have believed this even ten years ago. The level of corruption, yes, that was believable, and the stupidity too. But nobody could have believed it would be right out in the open, announced, blatant, lawless, and "What're you going to do about it, suckers?"

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