I love it, the GOP has lost even the myth about Biden throwing his 40+ year career away for $5 million. That’s over. They also can’t run on the scary open border, after they worked SO hard to publicly tank any reform that would help address that. I guess all they have is Joe’s age, which conveniently keeps progressing.

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The Fox News idiot I heard yesterday afternoon was screeching about “Hunter Biden’s laptop” and my loud response was BULLSHIT!

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I hear that if you yell TONY BOBULINSKIII! at a mirror three times James Comer will appear and squeal like a pig while Vladimir Putin cornholes him. DO NOT WANT!

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"(There is also a whole thing with Sean Hannity demanding to know if a picture of obvious sawdust from Hunter Biden’s phone really looks like sawdust, or is it cocaine? It is sawdust.)"

I mean I don't know a lot about cocaine but last I checked it wasn't fking BROWN. Nor do you see it near many electrical saws. I mean, those "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK!" sing-alongs can get pretty rowdy but come the fuck ON!

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Might be whole-grain cocaine? With extra fiber?

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Hunters crack rocks were so huge he had to use a table saw to cut them up.

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There’s a line between “Putin’s useful idiots” and “Putin’s willing accomplices” that needs to be clarified for the GOP with very long jail sentences.

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Daniel Goldman brought that up earlier tonight, thank the gods.

He was like "a colorable argument could be made before this that they didn't know they were predicating their 'investigation' on misinformation from Russian intelligence. But now that they DO know, if they try to continue to go forward in the same investigation, they risk criminal conspiracy charges for election interference."

And I was like "YES! Lay it out! They are ON NOTICE!"

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So, how many degrees of separation from Smirnov to Trump to Putin? And what did Comer know and when did he know it?

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Ta, Evan. Your continuing coverage of this has been a light in the fog.

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'Tis true. Between Emptywheel and here, I feel informed. And amused.

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Russian Spy Farts, extra potent because of Borscht!

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And the prospect of a non-consensual Polonium chaser adds some extra zing as well.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

Which of you bookies has the over/under on how many tourists will be collateral damage when Vlad tries to off Mr. Smirnov with a poisoned poker chip? Actually, they’ll probably just dose him with fentanyl and blame a migrant.

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Gotta say, I thought the photo at the top of the article was a cast photo from Beverly Hillbillies

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This would, of course, be a massive scandal were it not for the fact that BIDEN IS OLD! DIDJA HEAR? OLD OLD OLD OLD!

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This is so convoluted, there is no way MAGA is following it. Jim Jordan was talking to CNN today and lying his ass off about it-"We don't need the 1023, we have all this other bullshit we can't prove"

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Per ABC News:

------- (I REALLY miss being able to blockquote!)

"Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, was also pressed by ABC News' Thomas about the allegations surrounding Smirnov.

"Well, all I'm saying is you got to ask the FBI about that," Jordan said. "He may, in fact, have given false I don't know. But what I do know is everything we knew ahead of time."


As coherent a statement as ever uttered by the man, but it still kinda looks like Gym's doubling down on his OWN false I don't knows there.

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Oh, they could follow it if they wanted to; remember- they’ve mastered the Q-Anon screed.

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Haven’t seen Jordan for some time. Nice to see him stick his head up and get it chopped off

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{Banhammer thoughts about literal vs figurative}

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It’s become painfully obvious that the only mistake George Santos made was that he told lies about himself. If he had just lied about democrats, he’d still be in the House.

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His lying only became a problem when it affected Republicans. Until then they were perfectly willing to let him lie to his little bon-bon's content.

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Did someone mention....FARTS???

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Farts are always funny unless you’re trapped in the car with no window controls such as the GOP Clown Car.

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Comer did say some of the witnesses were in the spy business so they were hard to track down. He just forgot to mention they were in the Russian spy business. But we knew this was bullshit because it came from Rudy and the tapes they claimed to have they could never deliver or even find a witness who had ever heard them.

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When Lev Parnas is the voice of reason you know they’ve lost the plot

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He doesn't seem to have set his heart on being one of those guys at any point, so it's much easier for him to just tell the truth, it seems to me.

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We should just replace "useful idiots" with "useful absolute fucking morons" from now on. NB, NYT.

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It's a little more wordy but, it does the job.

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