Just got rid of caucuses. I don't think we're talking apples to apples here.

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In Classical Athens, women were not permitted to participate in public life, had no legal personhood, and were usually considered property. There were a few exceptions, but for the most part, life for women in Ancient Greece really, really sucked.

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No, no, dear sir. We loudly bless your heart so you don’t hear the knife going in the back.

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Fries and cheese and gravy? FUCKING C'MON MAN! If they could find a way to make that spicy I would MAINLINE THAT SHIT RIGHT INTO MY FACE.

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"pockets of loud enthusiasm" describes Trump and Bernie's bases perfectly. That's why Bernie does better in caucuses.

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Well, let's see... Hillary 2016, Obama 2008, Kerry 2004, Gore 2000... gotta go back to 1992 when Iowa Dems went with favorite son Tom Harkin instead of Bill Clinton. The Iowa GOP has a much harder time picking the winner.

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I didn't know what a Kat Dennings was so I had to Google it.

Be back later

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Oh, trust me, we can make it spicy for you.

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For exactly the same reason you guys have state legislatures and don't just make Congress responsible for everything

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I guess that's what I'm recollecting. They chose Bernie or Booti this year?

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So what do we think about town meetings?

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gotta love the "I can't recall" defense she tried to use at first!

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Similar to barn raisings, I suppose.

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