Glad you said it, because that’s one thing about her I’ve never liked. Oprah is weirdly preoccupied with gay people. Like I remember her interviewing someone and asking “How could you not know you were gay?” She not a very nuanced person and doesn’t get that sometimes it’s not that a person doesn’t know, but rather all the things that go into coming out.

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She’s always had a weird fixation with homosexuality. I won’t go as far as to call her a homophobe, but there certainly some things about it that you can tell don’t quite sit right with her.

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Michael demonstrated the kind of courage that whiny, right-wing celebrities — who still want our money! — thoroughly lack.

Well said, Sir SER!

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It is very possible he thought his family would stiffle it, for love of him

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I was actually looking forward to it until Levi decided to be anti-vax.

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Or you could go the Freddie Mercury route and live your life as you want without hiding it but not publicizing it. I don't think he ever actually said "I'm gay" but never tried to hide who he was. Which may have been the best choice then without driving yourself nuts trying to be someone you aren't. Some people could consider it ignoring the elephant in the room, but I think it was more a fuck you, leave my personal life alone, I'm not changing or hiding for your benefit.

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It never ceases to amaze me how rightwingers claim to love the invisible hand right up until it gives them the finger.

Honestly, WTF was Dilbert even thinking? How did he expect people to react when he said black people were a hate group and white people should just stay away from them? Is his head so far up his own ass that he thought most people who agree with him (that’s a rhetorical question)?

Corporations are amoral monsters and they will drop you the second you become a liability to their bottom line. Just look at AT&T. They didn’t drop Newsmax because the company that helped launch OANN suddenly became “woke.” They dropped them because Newsmax demanded too much money.

And now Comer is threatening AT&T if they don’t comply with his demands to reinstate them.

So cry all you want, Scotty. You brought this on yourself.

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Conservatives haven't been cancel cultured in a couple of years. Now, they're all the victims of wokism.

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His Willie's Reserve Schromulan is good stuff also, too.

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I do give her creds for being smart. She started out with a Jerry Spring style afternoon talk show, which was all syndicated talk shows were at that time. She saw the change before anyone else and pivoted to celebrity interviews and human interest stories.

Left all the chair-throwers in the dust.

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Yeah, that one almost cost me a new keyboard. I saw a story a few years back, can't find it now, detailing how Marvel is really good at movies and only meh at television, while DC does really well on TV but can't quite pull off movies like Marvel can.

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I wasn't even aware gay people existed until a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio.

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The Green Mile, with Sam Rockwell as the psycho killer on death row, came out the same year as Galaxy Quest, and he thought Green Mile was the one that would make his career take off.

It was Galaxy Quest.

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My father always liked Liberace because he was so good to his mother.

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Starting out, he had all his personal experiences to draw on. After he left his source of inspiration, he limped along on anecdotes from fans still in that environment. I believe he was in his, "Get off my lawn!" phase right before the crash and burn.

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Bill Maher has made a career out of being bounced from ABC for making a stupid remark a week after 9/11. When he goes on one of his pity parties about being cancelled for his beliefs, I wish someone would point out that he was cancelled for the same reason Gilligan's Island was cancelled: The network honchos came to the conclusion he could no longer meet the revenue expectations they had for that time slot.

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