Joe Wilson Joe Lieberman Joe Walsh Joe Barton Joe <strike>Wuzlaelberxkeeslw</strike> The Plumber

What's with all the Joe's?

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As the dude that hands the tools to the plumber that does the actual work, I would imagine his hands are a little cleaner.

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If he's managed not to open a Twitter account, he's way ahead of the pack.

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Does moron want a cracker? Does moron want a cracker?

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They should have a fire sale...with actual fire.

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Anus burger helper

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"Gee guys, should we go with <strike>the</strike> <i>another</i> incompetent famewhore boob ... "


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If you had that pathetic crew working for you, you'd cry too.

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I think you'd need a parrot, to recite the teabagger catechism.

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Ronald Reagan, before they worshipped him.

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I don't remember a plumber among the Village People. Although, in retrospect, a hunky guy waving a plunger would have been quite an addition.

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Re-distribution my ass ... the GOP is cornering the market.

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This says a lot about the head of the Ohio delegation, weepy John Boehner.

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