A smirking mugshot. Figures.

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But don't, like, 144,000 of them get to live?

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Still a better love story than "Twilight"

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They mean the idea of Reagan, not the reality. You can't be a conservative and not idealize your heroes; that's half the fun!

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Wait, is that a thing? I thought rebozos were only the shawl/baby hammock, not the baby in them as well.

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Points for Boron joke: 20.

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Heds tomorrow: "Malta Goes On High Alert As Israel Threatens Invasion To Protect Dental Students".

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...or an afternoon outside Palm Springs. Either way, close enough

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The Prime Minister of Israel is Reagan? Does this mean he will fuck up the Middle East's education and mental health care? We need to alert Iran.

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Even if pixels are ridiculously cheap (they are) they're wasted on the likes of D'Dumbshit

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No, I think it means he'll have a disastrous intervention in Lebanon. Oh, wait, that's happened already, a few times over.

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I agree. Netanyahu is a relic of the conservative revival that looks back to Reagan, Thatcher, and the demise of the middle class, or, more concisely, the decline of the working class to a lower income level. Considering that the working class has by far the most votes, that is quite an accomplishment for the ruling class, since they had to convince the workers to vote dead against their own interest. In a sense, the Palestinians may be seen as an extreme example of working class decline to the status of an underclass, but there are other factors, such as ethnic cleansing.

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Well, Netanyahu does get continuous blowjobs from the shrillest wingnuts, so there's that.

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Bruce Bartlett was right- these dumb lackwits would run the real Reagan out of town on a rail for his apostasy. These clowns love their graven image of Saint Ronnie, but they'd hate the real thing.

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Fact-free opinions need no defense.

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