Um... up into the 1920s, most municipalities in the United States let all adult residents, citizen or not, vote. So did the majority of states in state elections.

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I liked Starship Troopers. It definitely wasn't the book. No surprise there. It was basically a World War II movie set in the future with big bugs instead of Nazis.

That being said, if Dinesh D'Loser did a remake of Starship Troopers, I would not watch it.

And you couldn't make me.

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Oh yeah. I forgot about the Punic Wars. Well, Carthage did cease to be a problem, and it was almost another 300 years before the Republic and then the Empire reached its zenith.

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Give the Grifter In Chief a chance. He'll figure out a way to stiff all the SS and all government and military pension recipients and pocket the money himself.

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I never got around to watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (who has time?), and now I don't have to. Wonketteer style critics are always spot on.

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You know, I cringed a little when I saw the headline for this story, because I knew it would bring out every single D'pun in the English language, but, then, I did it myself. I guess it's all in the D'livery

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Does Dinesh live in one of those states that permanently strips you of your right to vote with a felony conviction?

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The director of my office's finance department on September 11, 2001 was Indian. I saw him on my way out after they closed the office, and all I could think for him was, "Good luck."

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True. The mermaids would never sing for him.

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Yes they do.

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I assumed he lived in a sane state. After all, why should he be denied the vote for the rest of his life because of one felony conviction? He does, after all, consider himself to be white.

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Isn't that all done digitally now?

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And it would fuck up the grift.

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Trump's supporters could probably say that with a lot less words.

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I think they're looking for consistent results down the road.

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