Well, I think that is a plank in the Republican party.Since every label they apply means the opposite, that is what they mean by "family values".

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I'm sure they outed many people for being gay, together.

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Death penalty v. actually executed are 2 different things. A few years ago, Texas was not the state giving out the most death penalty verdicts. However, they did actually kill the most people.

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When Trump is gone, the Lincoln Project people will apply their rather impressive skills to destroying Democratic figures.

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If her Daddy's rich, take her out for a meal,If her Daddy's poor, then just do what you will.

In the SummertimeMungo Jerry

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Yes, I don't think of India as an island of tranquility. Too many rapes and religiousity. Also, Covid is kicking it's ass HARD.

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Does Dinesh think he'd actually fare well with armed, White Supremacist vigilante gangs?

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You mean like blue?

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After reading 1776 by David McCullough, I think Washington stepped down because he hated all the bullshit.

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D'Nobody D'Cares was just assuming that Americans (read: Trumpists) are too stupid to know any better.

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How about adultery? Would you be shot in India if you were an adulterer? Because if so, D'Souza better stay out of India.

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You are wrong about Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's one of the best Americans there is, and he is absolutely, positively the best Republican in the United States of America.

I am 100% pro-Arnold. Heck, I topped off Fathers Day by watching his unforgettable daddy/daughter classic film, "Commando".

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I drunkenly climbed that statue when I was in undergrad at Trin (U of T)!

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That horse's balls are regularly painted/repainted by anonymous people.

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That was more of a geographical location thing than a political party plank, though.

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