"Many people feel" = "it makes Republicans have a sad."

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fact checkers are needed because politicians, mainly republicans, lie out their asses.

so I think republicans should have to register too and put up 100 million dollars as a bond for their eventual lies

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Dok, I'm from Michigan originally. Michigan Republicans have been wallowing in the shit long before Trump was a twinkle in the GQP's eye.

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Matt just reeks of asshole. Look at those evil pig eyes

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I wonder if I can sue this fuckstick right now.

I feel like he's caused me harm somehow, by being allowed to occupy a position of authority to put up such anti-Constitutional shit-brained cryptofascist wank-fantasy.

Sure ok, I'm not an actual constituent of his, but there is seriously detrimental negative effect on my opinion of the United States of America, if this lunkwad is allowed to stand as some kind of representative of its people and its ideals . He surely doesn't seem like he's fighting against enemies of the Constitution, here at home.

I mean if fuckin' Wyoming feels like it can sue other states for refusing to use their coal, I think I've got a better shot at leveling some real justice against this clown, right?

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Yes, a government bureau to oversee facts. We can call it the Ministry of Truth.

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If the Toronto Star continued its fact-checking, and US media quoted them, who would be liable?

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Hell, I'm game! I'll go along with bonding fact checkers so they can be sued for bad journalism immediately after republicans are bonded so they can be sued for bad governance.


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That man's face SCREAMS "Dunning Kruger". The shit-eating smirk of a man who actually thinks he's gaming the system and nobody will ever know... shhh.

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Ideal GQP government:Department of 'Defense'Department of Keeping Rich People RichDepartment of Staying In Power Indefinitely

I think that about cover it.

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'MY State's Rights'

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'Why did no-one tell me?'- Gym Jordan

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So, all the time?

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So is the seventh.

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