These good church people just can’t wait till the shooting starts.

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i thought it was a pretty cool mural

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True story. In the 90s, I sometimes wore overalls to school, and I had a favorite pair of rainbow knee high socks. These neither converted me to gayness nor Satanism. I loved Clueless, but there was no way teen DLZ was getting up an hour really to roller my hair or wearing heels all day.

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They’re going to edit her artwork? FUCKING FUCK. If I were at that school board meeting I would be THROWING CHAIRS.

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God forbid you let the marginalized feel seen and accepted. That’s commie shit. This version of America is really weighing on me.

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If only their Christ was real and could show up to spank their sorry, violent, fascistic, covetous asses.

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Does anyone else see “Cobalt 60” by Vaughn Bodé? ‘Cause I sure do.

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Can’t they go back to burning rock and roll records? (I know, dated reference)

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Wow! Making a teenage cry! What gospel is that in?

Fuck them

I can tell you as a special education teacher many parent feel like they did something wrong when they find out their kid has a disability

In this case take the guilt, mix it with ignorance, Fox News and fundamentalist Christianity you end up with these psychopaths

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Just an idea, but maybe news outlets should stop giving such a bullhorn to these people

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"Hey I was on my way to catholic church to praise Jesus and such and I just happened to walk past your mural and now suddenly I want to drink the blood of the innocents."


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I really hate people sometimes.

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Did you know if you play "Another One Bites The Dust" backwards you get your cassette tape all jammed up in your boom box?

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No one should ever have to defend art.

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Fuck these entitled, god-bothering bible thumpers. I hope the kid prints up T-shirts and sells a million of them.

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"None of us are that stupid."

Sadly you,are even stupider than that.

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