Dipsh*t Militia Dude Wanted To Do Some War With Feds, Showed FBI Informant His War Room And Everything
But thank goodness there aren't any heavily armed lunatics at the border now.
A Tennessee man who dreamed of killing “invaders” at the US-Mexico border was arrested Monday by the FBI after selling an unregistered silencer to an undercover federal agent in January. The wannabe militia hero, one Paul Faye, 55, was charged with one count of possession of an unregistered firearm following months of chats with an undercover agent about plans to go to the border and kill migrants and also federal agents too, because as anyone knows the government is full of traitors.
In an eight-page criminal complaint, an FBI investigator explains that Faye had come to the Feds’ attention because he’d been in frequent contact with another militia loony, Bryan C Perry, who along with co-dipshit militia freak Jonathan S. O’Dell was arrested in 2022 and indicted on a load of felony charges in a plot those two had concocted to go to “war” with the federal government because it wasn’t keeping undocumented immigrants from “invading” the USA.
Keep in mind that this all got rolling around the same time that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott started his very own border “enforcement” scheme, too.
Also, we are sad to tell you that the first story we read on these dipshits, at the Texas Tribune, is uncharacteristically confusing for that outlet. It suggests that all three of these idiots plotted together and were foiled, but that’s not quite it: Perry and O’Dell had a stupid scheme to go to war with migrants and the Border Patrol, which was foiled in in October 2022. At some point before those two were arrested, Faye was communicating with Perry, so Faye came up with his own harebrained plan for a border war too, which continued after Perry and O’Dell were arrested and later charged. It’s two stories: one bunglefuck more-talk-than-action movie, and a really bad TV spinoff.
The Adventures Of Dipshits 1 And 2
But now that we have it sorted, and since we somehow missed it when the charges against Perry and O’Dell came down last summer, let’s look at those first two assholes and then come back to Faye.
According to their indictment, Perry and O’Dell were a couple of antigovernment fuckheads who started trading complaints about the federal government at least as far back as November 2021, then moved on to trying to recruit others to join their “2nd American Militia.” They spent much of 2022 trying to plan their very own war; in May '22, Perry texted O’Dell a “picture of a map of Washington, D.C., and labeled various location points for a blockade of roads,” and a few days later followed that up with “a picture of the logo/patch of their militia group,” because going to war with the federal government is Srs Bns and you need a cool patch. Bet it had an eagle on it! Their extensive planning included Perry texting O’Dell photos of the Capitol, Secret Service Headquarters, and other government buildings in DC with the message “To stop the madness going on.”
The two set to work getting guns and radios, but by August their plans had evolved, and they agreed to go “to war with the border patrol.” The next month, Perry left Tennessee for Missouri and moved in with O’Dell so they could do serious war planning, like posting a TikTok video proclaiming Border Patrol agents guilty of treason for letting migrants enter the US at all, and pointing out that the penalty for treason is death, did you know that? They made plans to go to the border in October, along with others they’d recruited — two of whom were, haha, undercover FBI agents.
Both terrorists/patriot heroes explained to the agents — in multiple phone calls — that they planned to shoot migrants crossing the border, and also shoot any “federal agents” who tried to stop them. Both also emphasized that, as their attack went forth, they planned to pick up gear and ammunition from the bodies of the federal officers they’d killed, just like in a first-person shooter video game. For all we know, they also expected to level up and gain dexterity and strength points. They certainly hadn’t maxed out their intelligence stats.
Somewhere in there, Perry also told an FBI source that he’d called Texas Governor Greg Abbott (or at least his office) to tell him,
“We know that ya’lls (sic) watched people come across the border that are trafficking drugs. You know, it’s not acceptable anymore. If ya’ll cannot take care of this border and shut it down then we will be forced to come in and do it ourselves.”
Maybe Perry thinks that’s what inspired Abbott to do Operation Lone Star!
The border attack never came to fruition, though, because on October 7, 2022, FBI agents came to serve a search warrant on O’Dell’s house, and the two dipshits decided to start their war a little early, firing 11 shots at the feds before they were arrested. In addition to the charges from their whole “Let’s have a war” scheme, the two were also charged with attempted murder and assault of federal officers, plus conspiracy charges for the same shootout. Fuckheads. They’ve pleaded not guilty.
The Side Quest Of Dipshit 3
Now we come to the tale of Paul Faye, who according to the criminal complaint in his case came to the attention of the FBI after a search of Perry’s phone revealed frequent contacts between the two prior to Perry’s arrest. In those contacts, Faye “expressed a desire to travel with PERRY and another individual to the U.S./Mexico border and commit acts of violence.”
The FBI connected Faye with three undercover officers who played the parts of willing accomplices, and even assured the dipshit that they were definitely not law enforcement. Seems unsporting; Faye prolly thought that if you ask an undercover cop if they’re an undercover cop, they have to say “oh you have caught me out, drat.” Faye then went on to spout a bunch of crap about how citizens need to take on the corrupt federal blah blah blah who are intentionally letting undocumented migrants come into the US, because “great replacement theory” isn’t just a stupid myth, it’s a pressing reality in these chucklefucks’ minds.
Faye was really enthusiastic about “training” with his new allies so they could go to the border and stop all this, telling one over the phone that “the patriots are going to rise up because we are being invaded. We are being invaded.” And wouldn’t you know it, he too kept making little joking references to how, if his new pals lacked any gear before they got to the border, it would be easy to pick some up, heh-heh, as when he told them they’d need ballistic armor, but “if you can’t find them, I’m pretty sure there’s going to be some laying around after a while, ya follow me?” and also,
“As far as gear, I mean, I probably got enough extra to get you by, if need be, and then we can pick you some up as we go. Hell, there may be some laying around, you know, after a little while.”
It’s really kind of pathetic. Faye talked about meeting up with another militia guy from North Carolina to go to the border in late January of this year, where he would bring sniper rifles and explosives and “stir up the hornet’s nest” to spark a war/uprising against illegal immigration, but also while preparing for that trip, he showed agents his “war room” full of guns and ammo, and sold that unregistered silencer (or “suppressor” if you want to make gunhumpers happy) to one of his new friends, and that’s why he’s not going anywhere for a while.
We should note that Faye’s son, Joseph Faye, gave a long interview to NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny Wednesday in which he said his father really is a pathological liar and a gullible militia-fantasizing dipshit who wouldn’t ever harm anyone, and that his dad is the victim of entrapment by mean feds who just exploited his big mouth and mental health problems to make him a criminal.
The man’s definitely no sniper, his son explained, because for example, “We went hunting and my dad had to shoot at a deer standing still three different times before he hit it. He’s not a sniper.”
The younger Faye also said he’d tried to warn his dad that his new buddies were feds, and oh my, this is sad:
“I said, ‘They’re feds, they’re undercover cops,’ and he said, ‘No they’re not,’” Joseph said. “Every time they came to see us, they’d be in different vehicles. They always brought ARs. Once we went out camping with my family and the next thing I know they show up. I told my dad, ‘They’re feds, no doubt about it.’”
Joseph Faye also remembered his father meeting Perry, who came to their place for target shooting and who wanted to join the “survivalist group” the Fayes and a few other guys formed, but don’t worry, they aren’t militia survivalists, they’re just outdoorsy, like getting ready for a zombie apocalypse, you know?
Also, all the guns in that War Room actually belong to Joseph Faye; he just stores them at his mentally unstable compulsive liar dad’s trailer, OK? He uses them to hunt deer with his dad, who is a terrible shot, you understand that?
In conclusion, these people are all deranged but heavily armed, and it’s a mercy they mostly step on their own dicks while FBI agents are listening in. But their delusions are widely shared, and now a ton of them are at the Texas border, calling themselves the “army of God,” so they can “help” Greg Abbott save America.
This video from France 24 should have us all very concerned.
The danger isn’t that dipshits like these will actually do a civil war; they’re too stupid to organize anything on that scale. But they’re entirely capable of perpetrating mass shootings like the 2019 El Paso massacre, and the press releases from Greg Abbott and his allies contain some of the same tropes as that shooter’s “manifesto.” Collectively, they may be the Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight — but with plentiful semiautomatic rifles and fever dreams of saving America, they don’t have to aim too well to cause carnage.
[Texas Tribune (Feh! But just this once we hope) / US v. Perry and O’Dell / Criminal Complaint in US v. Faye / Daily Beast / NBC News / Vice / Texas Monthly ]
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One attendee is shown mouthing the words of the Pledge of Allegiance, in particular, "...with liberty and justice for all." Yeah, right. Only for all that agree with them. Oh, and God was supposedly a big part of this. The God that is in their Bible? I've just had it.
On my way up north to see my retired mom, there is a farm off the highway where a wingnut gunhumper displays a scrolling electronic sign with daily clever phrases, like “it’s a good day to buy a gun,” and (yesterday) “Gretch something something potato.” Man, I wouldn’t want to be Gretchen Whitmer after that sick burn!