One attendee is shown mouthing the words of the Pledge of Allegiance, in particular, "...with liberty and justice for all." Yeah, right. Only for all that agree with them. Oh, and God was supposedly a big part of this. The God that is in their Bible? I've just had it.

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On my way up north to see my retired mom, there is a farm off the highway where a wingnut gunhumper displays a scrolling electronic sign with daily clever phrases, like “it’s a good day to buy a gun,” and (yesterday) “Gretch something something potato.” Man, I wouldn’t want to be Gretchen Whitmer after that sick burn!

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AI draws excellent dipshits. It's not very goad drawing guns though.

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Never underestimate the power of idiots in large numbers.

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See: Germany 1939......

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see also: US House of Representatives.

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Isn't "God's Army" or "the Army of God" what the Taliban calls itself?

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Hmm. You know how to say “army of God” in Arabic, right?

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The undercover FBI agents prepared for their roles by eating a Cracker Barrell Country Boy Breakfast every morning for 3 months. Their wardrobes, provided by the FBI, included camo, flannel, and pants that hang just above their butt cracks when standing. To prepare them mentally they were closed in a room daily with a radio playing Alex Jones.

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A week or so ago, I came across a trailer for a movie that's apparently going to come out later this year, about a new Civil War. (In fact "Civil War" might be the name, I don't remember.) From what I could gather, Texas and California (?!?) join forces against the rest of the U.S. and bang bang blah blah.

I would dismiss it as just another stupid movie, but these days you can't help worrying that the wrong people are going to see this thing, IYKWIMAITYD.

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It would have to be northern California and not include the biggest cities in Texas. The divide is no longer north/south along the Mason Dixon line, it's rural/urban, with suburbs being in the middle but increasingly blue. Unfortunately the constitution has a time bomb built into it with the composition of the Senate, two seats per state regardless of if a state has 600,000 people or 40 million people. That, along with partisan gerrymandering and the electric rail college gives the rural demographic much more power than they should have. Then they use it to vote against their own best interests in the name of bigotry.

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Is Brian Perry related to Rick Perry? It would be asinine not to speculate.

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They seem to be sharing the same brain.

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Assumes facts not in evidence.

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"but I was told this is a CoD lobby?"

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You can't fool me, that image at the top is either a meeting of the Steering Committee of the NRA or Republican party activists plotting their next assault against civilization.

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The volunteer state is not sending Texas our best and brightest.

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My worry is that they *are*.

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As a Tennessean, I can assure you we are not.

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We should note that Faye’s son, Joseph Faye, gave a long interview to NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny Wednesday in which he said his father really is a pathological liar and a gullible militia-fantasizing dipshit who wouldn’t ever harm anyone, and that his dad is the victim of entrapment by mean feds who just exploited his big mouth and mental health problems to make him a criminal."

Wow. I didn't have "Dad actually IS a pathological liar and a gullible idiot" on my militia dipshit bingo card. Usually it's that, in addition to being someone who wouldn't harm a fly and rescues kittens on the weekends. Or some other such made up bullshit.

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Probably a deacon at whatever footwash Baptist beacon of darkness he attends, too.

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Yep, but strangely he's not allowed around any of the child parishoners. We don't know why /s

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This is what right wing media has done to the low-information crowd. They're the reason why we have these self-appointed "patriots" who hate everything they're told to hate.

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I’ve commuted in DC. I cannot begin to describe what titanic assholes DC drivers can be, especially during rush hour. It is to laugh to imagine that these clowns could establish a blockade using “a map of Washington, D.C., [with] labeled various location points for a blockade of roads” to make a dent in DC’s titanic commuting wave. Most likely they wouldn’t get noticed beyond a little rubbernecking (“there are some weird dudes shouting at traffic”), and if they tried too hard, they’d just get run over.

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I remember almost getting sideswiped by a car with diplomatic plates on a street without much traffic so I'm sure that during rush hour there wouldn't be much hope in blockading anything.

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This is what right wing propaganda does. This, right here. But thankfully for the rest of us, these people are VERY, VERY, VERY fucking stupid.

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Just takes one to shoot up a public space - mall, store, etc. - or one with some training like McVeigh.

Never which one of these clowns it could be.

Fear of the Feds helps keep them under their rocks. Otherwise they’ll crawl out into the daylight like Charlottesville all over again.

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Thankfully what McVeigh did is VERY difficult to achieve in this country since the Feds really are watching and anybody who tries to obtain a large amount of fertilizer is immediately put on a list and observed.

But buying a hundred guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition? Nary a peep from anybody.

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