It's like an unholy cross between the Amish beard and the Timmy, an altogether bad idea.

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It is very important for Dear Leader that everyone acknowledge how great his brilliant plan of “ignore it and I will magically go away” was.

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In other Covid news, Devin has tested positive. No word on how his cow is doing.


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There's a Canadian university that's got some explaining to do. Like how a total fucking moron was given a teaching position.

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I fail to understand how thousands of dead schoolkids would have made him "look good". These fuckwits - like Donnie Dumbfuck himself - were incapable of thinking past the next press conference.

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Depends on how much Elsinore Beer you've got on hand. Mine all has mice in it.

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He was the best applicant? Morons do work at many universities! And if he started out on a soft money position there would have been less competition for the position.

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The Amish have to be one of the lowest risks to a Wonkette commenter...

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This is disgusting.

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and this right here ladies and gentlemen is "revenge of the nerds" for the last four years, these frat boy assholes that trump put in charge of all of these depts. have been strutting around treating everybody like shit. now they realize that all the emails they wrote are going to make them at the least look bad, and at most be illegal, so now they're going around to all the lifelong career professionals and telling them to burn all the emails. unfortunately the answer from all of them will be "I'm sorry sir, but according to US code 27a section 269 it would be illegal for me to delete these emails from you. if you would like to delete them yourself you are welcome to, but I might have backed up every email you ever sent on to a thumb drive and it might have fallen out of my pocket when I was in adam schiff's office last week."

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When do we see sanctions and loss of licenses for this shit?

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Ended-up in Georgia, picking rotten peaches in the sun...

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BRB head's exploding.

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You mean like Jordan Peterson?

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