"Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-Your Next President)"

I love this idea... but she says not because she likes senatoring.

Regardless, she'll not only be getting my vote when she runs for pretty much any office I can think of, but I'll also be volunteering to work on her campaign when she runs for anything she wants to be.

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At this point, Jesus could come down from heaven and tell me there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, and I would not believe him.

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They always say that. If she gets that presidential feeling she'll go for it.

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The way she acts around him, she DOES know where it's been!

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I think daughter if I'm remembering right.

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I shouldn't have read that, I just ate.

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To be fair, you have son in your nym, right after Cally.

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This time, though, he'd need to skip the planet, and Mars isn't accepting immigrants.

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A historian notes: the term "paddy wagon" is offensive to the Irish.

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Why is Coats even doing this?

The Donald is going down.

He can't stop implicating himself and even outright confessing to treason every single damn day.

Come on, Dan, save what is left of your ass now. It is only going to get worse later.

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If he were to outright deny it, Trump might come out the next day and admit it, like he admitted to firing Comey over the Russia probe right after all the spox denied it. You just never know with this guy, because he's a loony. You could be charged with perjury and Trump would just carry on like nothing happened, maybe tell you to 'stay strong'. This whole thing is nuts.

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It's around the 1:15 mark in the video. He fumbles "discuss" as "disKUFF" but "TOCK-ics" is more "TOCK-(short throat clearing noise)-topics". Or at least it sounds more like that to me.

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Coats, like Pence is yet another Indiana cast-off. He had a reputation as being quite the embarrassment in the senate, giving a good run for stupidest member of that body. No doubt a perfect Trumper, and his intelligence community subordinates will run rings around him.

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Either way, I'll be working on her campaign for sure.

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I'm starting to feel like presidenting is like having a baby. Everybody assumes you'll want to eventually no matter how much you tell them you hate kids.

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