But wonky Paul Ryan and the GOP is working on a replacement for Obamacare. Seriously. They are going to reveal it any day now.

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the ACA is a pretty screwed up law but it mostly works.

now if we could just get a real system(single payer) i could die happy*

*at an old age because i didn't die of something stupid i couldn't afford to treat.

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strictly speaking, i will die of something stupid because i am a man but i don't think that refutes my point.

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Creepy Cruz is getting really roughed up by the Hoosiers ! Everywhere he goes Granpa Munster ,and Cruella Deville get hammered by the public there very intelligently . Bravo.

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Citizens are profit centers.

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"The market fixes everything"


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No, he's been eating that BS his entire life inside his wingnut bubble. This is just the first time he's seen The Real World with An Actual Person, and it ate. him. up.

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Yes but in most cases it's by Frump supporters. So not that intelligently

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There is a defined benefit plan, also too. But yes it requires voluntary contribution. The Thrift Savings Plan is the 401(k)-ish part and it gets an automatic 1% of salary invested. I'm guessing Heidi advised him how to get the most out of the system.

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Cannot take credit - unfortunately, I no longer remember which Wonketeer can...

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Li'l Teddy Cruz was the kid in school who chose "b" for every multiple-choice question on the surprise pop quiz and hoped for the best.

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They had their Heritage Foundation model that they never intended to enact. Obama called their bluff by copying their template and got it enacted. They never had anything else, and in 5 years have not developed any alternative, beyond abandoning millions in need of health care.

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also, some in the individual market had to find new plans that met the minimum requirements under ACA, such no exclusions for preexisting conditions. in other words, the plan they 'lost' was a piece of shit.

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How horrible do you have to be for a racism-vomiting orange crayon to seem like the better alternative?

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Ted Cruz also failed to convince the people in California the economy was horrible because they didn't have a steroid-addled groper in the pocket of Enron fucking Grandma up the ass with crazy insane utility bills....https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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