<blockquote>He didn’t mention which river the van he lives in is currently parked near.</blockquote> I'm guessing the Anacostia, DC's most down-scale river.

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I have been teaching in a high school for the past 25 years; I retire in 2 years, and I plan to be one of the many retired teachers who never return for a visit.

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Those whores <i>really, really</i> wanted him. In a diaper.

So it's not an "unwanted sexual encounter." Huge difference.

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If you allowed comments I would really take you to task for never mentioning a scandal when it happens to a Democrat.

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"Are you glad to see me or is that just your tail?"

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Wu Manchu(rian)?

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Larry Craig could join the group, but then he would have to admit that he resigned.

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"But now [s]he feels like a remora, 'cause the school's still close at hand. Just behind the reef are the big white teeth of the sharks that can swim on the land."

with apologies to Jimmy Buffett

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I understand now: sex without money = socialism.

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This is a pertinent comment.

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You mean <i>Soy un Predator</i>?

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Good grief. What has this guy done recently to warrant so much mockery? What positions has he advanced that need to be knocked down? Why do we give a fuck?

Is it because he was a Democrat who turned out to be imperfect?

This isn't grabbing the low-hanging fruit, it's pulping the fruit that's already lying on the ground. What are the big problems with Wu? (1) He acts "weird" sometimes; (2) there is an allegation that he had "unwanted sexual contact" with a person of legal age, but no charges were brought. See, the "no charges were brought" brings us up against "innocent until proven guilty except when we'd really rather believe you're guilty".

I, obviously, have no knowledge of the truth of the sexual allegations. In any case, Wu resigned. Apparently, since then, he has been conducting himself in ways that suggest he has mental problems. When did Wonkette decide it was good to make fun of people with mental issues?

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Yeah, I've seen some former students who didn't seem that bright go on and get law degrees, or some such thing. I always assume that they must have improved immensely with age.

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I'm worried about the diversity of congress without him, how many furries are left in Congress now?

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Caption: David Wu still has trouble saying TTFN.

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Maybe him, Anthony Weiner, and <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/437126\/mark-foley-reaching-out-touching-young-republicans" target="_blank">Mark Foley</a> can form a support group for politicians who resigned in disgrace but still want to be in the public eye.

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