call the cops, they'll bring more...

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don't be hassling Hasselhoff

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that line was the point where this story jumped the sharknado into obvious hoax

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he seems nice

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Now is the time for all good parties to come to the aid of the man.

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He's a Repub, so that would have to be white bread.

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Even though the party “has received over 3,000 emails” and “over 10 years’ worth of phone calls, directives, orders and requests” from Mr. Fitch, it has breached its duty to him and “has never professional contacted me with regards to anything I have said to them.”

I once had a one-night stand like that.

I finally gave up trying to reach her.

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Ever since I got the free tickets to the Palin-Bachmann Minnesota Steel Cage Death Match I found out about here on Wonkette, Ole Crazy Eyes has sent me about 3,000 emails asking for money.

Along with hearing from every other broken-down conservative she could rent her list to.

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breach of duties??isnt that grounds for inpeachment. I think he should also too demand inpeachment of the entire gop then he could forget german and start over with murikan speak

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exposure bucks, Ameros or bitcoin?

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he's researching Nazi themed signs

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Mein Krampf.

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Well. At least one Republican is laying the blame for our shitty economy where it actually belongs

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the one thing I got out of this is that Meghan McCain needs to hire a bodyguard ASAP and she should thank her lucky stars that Arizona's concealed carry laws are so lax

Get the 9mm Meghan, it's only a matter of time until this dude is staring in your bedroom window like that creepy Burger King guy

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Especially when you send it 3000 times.

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"I believe 80 million Republican US citizens speak German"

No wonder I can never figure out what they're talking about.

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