Pretty much.

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"Mr. Vice President? Michael Vick on line 2."

:::temples fingers:::

"Excellent...eeeexcellent. Put him through!"

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"...turns Ma & Pa Amurika's stomach enough to question whether this was all justified."

Well, we are living in the season of miracles.

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All kidding aside...weren't there pictures from Abu Ghraib of dogs threatening naked prisoners?

Oh yeah...these evil shit stains, using my fucking tax dollars to commit evil in my name, totally fucking did this.

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Me too. Even if it just moves her a little.

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Actually, it's always been a bit pejorative. Most of us are not full-blown pacifists, and we're always a little ashamed to run into somebody who is.

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I think that Wonkette may have already reported on this bullshit. Or maybe I just followed some link. But it's months-old news, isn't it? Maybe the legislators have brought it up again?

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Gah. I'm a natural-born US citizen. I spent a few years in the US military. I'm 67 fucking years old. I love my country, which is to say, I love the concept of my country.

I accept the fact that the reality of international politics means that we must have an intelligence service.

I detest the fact that our intelligence service has so badly contravened reasonable limits on its procedures that it isn't possible to simply laugh off allegations like those cited in the article. Good fucking Christ, I've been associated with a number of dogs in my lifetime. You would have to TRAIN them to do that shit. The evil thing is that the CIA has already been shown to have done so much crap that it is almost possible to imagine them doing such training.

The only redeeming thought is that they are so incompetent, they probably couldn't have done it. (JFK is dead, right?)

Gah. I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of my country's alleged public servants. I'm ashamed of "my fellow Americans" who let this shit go on. And yes, Justin, I'm particularly ashamed of myself and my fellow Boomers, who for fuck's sake should have known better.

We're all assholes. Even though this particular story is probably baloney, the fact that we have to think, maybe, it might have a little bit of substance means that we've all been assholes for quite some time.

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Oh, we north of the border are just as likely to refer to the Kennedy assassination. After all, we don't have any similar cases in Canada to use.

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Too soon!

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I can't over-recommend the excellent "500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars" by Kurt Eichenwald. Detailed, documented, well-written - and heartbreaking.

So much of what came out in the Senate Report could have been predicted by anyone who read this fine book. Including going after those two CIA psychologists (apparently each now $90,000,000 richer) by bringing complaints to the appropriate medical boards.

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That's going to be ruff.

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W's obsession with bath and shower paintings is becoming more understandable, but he's going to be about as successful as Lady Macbeth in washing himself clean.

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This country is definitely going to the dogs.

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