What?!! Journalism??!!

This is a blog entry - David Brooks will tell you this isn't REAL journalism, this is just fiddling on the computer. Probably from a basement, or an Applebee's salad bar. And everyone with any influence will nod along sagely, cause David Brooks is in the Times and on TV, so he MUST be a real journalist.

You don't know what you're talking about

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After all, thinks Cheney, it's his own fault. That kid joined the military instead of being on the board of directors for Halliburton. Bad choice on his part. Should have gone with the board seat - not only would he still be alive, but he'd be fucking wealthy, just like Cheney.

Stupid kid.

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I know precisely what I am talking about. "Journalism" can be presented on Mommy blog-recipe-dick jokes sites, just as opinionated nonsense can be presented on "news" sites.

It's not where it appears. It is the content - and only the content - that counts.

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I like that word - unfocused anger fueled by lack of knowledge.


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Praise Bugs Bunny 😂😂😂

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I think he meant that if you insist on using facts in a right-wing anger/resentment argument, you will be deported.

What country would you like to have been from, that we can ship you back there? Can't have facts in these arguments, or the Unfailing Leader might not convince anyone he is right.

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Have not spoken to him lately, but, I would be willing to bet he got his break and STILL is bitching about his road.

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Thanks for the info. I thought that might be it, but I wasn't sure so I provided sources.

What country? How about the U.S.A. circa 2015?

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This article can be summed up like this:

1. Compares USPS to Costco, even when these companies aren't comparable, without providing data--Politifact claims that it makes billions in revenue, which is obviously true, but it doesn't actually state how much this costs. Politifact is known for liberal BS. You might know that it makes $7.1B per year but that doesn't mean it doesn't cost $7.2B per year.

2. Falsely claims that the law prohibited USPS from raising postal rates--it instead increased the regulatory power of the Postal Rate Commission, and renamed it as the Postal Regulation Commission. I know for a fact from when I was complaining to the PRC about the fact that import shipping on AliExpress was hurting my business that FedEx submitted a complaint that they were unable to make money off of shipping from China.

3. Whines about the fact that USPS was obligated to pay its employees' pensions in a sustainable manner that doesn't require long-term cuts. The other option was to multiply the amount of postal workers tenfold. Now, I'm prepared for your response. You're about to call this word salad or say "I don't know what you're talking about." Of course you don't. You get your news from Wonkette. http://money.cnn.com/retire...

4. Has an extremely misleading wording for how the law works, stating that it gave the post office 10 years to pay 75 years of pensions. Based on the wording, you would think that employees hired in the years 2017 through 2051 would have their pensions prepaid, based on the minimum pension tenure of 30 years. 2051 is not only outside of the guarantee phase, but outside of the worker phase as well.

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The one thing about Amazon Trump does NOT have a problem with is their abominable treatment of their warehouse workers. One thing he could hammer them on and he is silent.

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It's wrong headed to think the Republicans don't intend their antisocial outcomes.

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Ignoranimus 😂😂😂

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I also intended to copy-paste and praise that part. I very much identify with that experience and sentiment.

Plus finding deals is fun!

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'P.O. Leaders don't have a clue'......

And your retail scam network just goes on either swindling their customers or stealing from their suppliers. No-one has done a deal with Donald Trump where they made money, some actually ended up funding his bloated fucking empire. Don't have a clue? They actually expected a Trump to pay bills on time. Losers. Sad.

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Nope. Your nation apparently paid $56 American for a plate of food for a soldier in Iraq. No bulk deals. All moneys paid cash every month to Halliburton [a Cheney company] Inc. I am not joking here, if the USA had just offered Saddam Hussein one half of one percent of what they ended up paying KBR, he would have walked away from Iraq and be living quietly in fucking Nevada or upstate Montana.

And you wonder why Dick Cheney just stone-cold shot people in the face? "I'm from Halliburton fucker! Your puny laws don't mean shit to me! Your son died two months in on his first mission? Fucking LOSER! How much money did he make for me? NOTHING!! Eat lead!!"

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