I love XTC's original, too, but Sarah McLachlan's version of Dear God has always hit a nerve for me. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Protest songs are still with us, as others have said much moar goodly...


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Ooh, Marceline, I remember this vid -- I remember the first time I saw it -- at 00:27-00:30 I said to my wife, 'you can see the Holy Spirit looking out through Doctor King's eyes!' Oh man. Thanks! And yeah, it's a protest song and a protest video, very MUCH so! OMG, the soldiers walking across the lawn at 1:36 is Kent State. And that Whole Earth image at the end is from 1968, and became a powerful counterculture symbol ('We can't get it together -- it IS together'). Oh my.

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Just remembered this one -- one of the best, angriest, funkiest (in a heartland kind of a way) EVER: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

'They say they are Christ's disciples, but they don't look like Jesus to me, feel like I am livin in the wasteland of the free.'

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Where the poor have now become the enemy, let's blame our troubles on the weak ...

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I see your cool song and raise it another cool song...https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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If you took it off before getting in your car, it would make 'stop & frisk' a bit unlikely, I'll wager. Redundant, even.

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I think Drew Magary has also been ranting about Trump on GQ, or else Esquire, I can't remember. Anyhoo, he's doing some good shit.

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I've been waiting for YEARS for a revolution. I saw a BLM protest in my little city last night, and all I could do was honk and wave. I'm too freaking tired to join the revolution, but I welcome one. Maybe I can make snacks or something.

I am not religious but I've been praying like fuck to some sky God that Trump doesn't win.

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Technically this isn't a protest song but it damn well should be. Dear 2016...https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I'm in! I'll try to come up with some protest song, poem or somesuch. Sounds ful!

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Always down for a Jill Sobule project. She's the greatest. And indeed, just what the fuck do they mean when they say they want their America back???

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Remember when They couldn't eat at the Woolworth lunch counter? That.

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I am from the Vietnam-Civil Rights-LSD era, and I've held fast to my revolutionary values (fuck the System!) but have come to understand that it's a slow and ongoing process, not an 'overthrow' that's going to do what's needed all of a sudden. So I saw almost nothing of practical use in dear Bernie Sanders, for instance. No plan, just wishful thinking.

Our part of the Revolution builds on (among other preceding stages and accomplishments) the end of slavery in 1865, and our specific stage begins with (among other things) the end of legal Jim Crow between about 1955 (Brown v. Board) and ... well, actually we're still fighting that stage of it. We are the direct successors of Malcom X, Dr. King, Nelson Mandela. It's been going on in one form or another since the first city walls went up, since the first kings were crowned, anointed, seated or whatever -- and it's ALL the Revolution, baby, and we all (the lovers, the Revolutionaries, including the blessed and holy and wide-shining Wonketariat) fight best as we can, with our weapons of reason, humanity and truth -- and songs! -- and we rest when we get tired, and look at kittens and stuff. And fight a little more later. If you see what I mean.

And snacks are good. And cold drinks -- or hot, as appropriate. And nice things said to each other. It's ALL the revolution, if it's done in a human kind of way.

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And U2? Never stopped protesting.

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'A whole lotta freaks.'

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