Now you're just lying.

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You posted other stuff besides that.

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So rather than addressing the actual point, you're going to argue with the accuracy of the term "spent the whole weekend."

Fine, concede you were not LITERALLY posting messages for the entire 48 hour period known as the "weekend".

I'll rephrase: Don't you feel even the slightest bit hypocritical accusing others of exploiting "this tragedy for political purposes" (your exact words) after you just <b>made multiple posts over the course of the last 3 days</b> arguing that the shooter was a leftist?

(Notice I also removed the word "nut" because I don't want you thinking I'm literally saying the shooter was an indehiscent, hard-shelled, one-loculated, one-seeded, edible object.)

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Get it? "SoreassButt"? He's calling you gay!

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npr tells me IL has just banned the death penalty.


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Isn't the real headline that another(!) Jew died and came back to life?

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Yeah, but was does Dr. Frist (vegetable expert) think?

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Good thing she's not a senator.

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<i>how about we exploit this tragedy for political purposes....Oh, sorry, I see that's already being done here.</i>

Don't you feel weird at all, or even a little hypocritical, typing that after you just spent the whole weekend trying to prove this nut was a leftist?

Seriously? Even a little?

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I'll ask again....Don't you feel even the slightest bit hypocritical accusing others of exploiting "this tragedy for political purposes" (your exact words) after you <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/434631\/america-acts-shocked-as-nut-murders-6-gravely-injures-12-including-u-s-rep#idc-cover" target="_blank">just spent the whole weekend</a> trying to prove this nut was a leftist?

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