If he passed on flying 102s, maybe he was smarter than we think.

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Did he have health insurance or did he go with a private sector solution (always the best) and hire Roto Rooter?

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With this transmitter in place, NSA will be able to keep better tabs on where Dubya goes and what he says.

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Been there, done that. And because I have now have a pre-existing condition I am basically uninsurable at any price except through my employer plan. That is, until Obamacare begins in a few months. Unless the 'Pubes kill it. How do I Stand My Ground against that threat?

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In the interest of civility, I will refrain from wishing him ill regarding this matter.

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A blockage in his heart?? Jesus, his head was WAAAAY up there.

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The tin man is going to be SO jealous.

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But <strike>Dick Cheney</strike> Darth Vader told me that hate makes me strong...

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Got three stents myself. It isn't "heart surgery" in the sense of cracking your rib age open; some very skillful people fish a wire up to your heart through an entry point on your femoral artery. You're awake the whole time but so buzzed on sweet, sweet drugs that if they asked to amputate your feet too, you'd say, "Go for it, dude."

The stent is a little woven titanium wire culvert that expands to keep the blocked artery open after they blow it out with an angioplasty (a little balloon).

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I hope when he awoke from the surgery the nurses hung a large sign in the recovery room stating "Mission Accomplished." Because he sure as shit didn't finish the war he started.

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I call false flag. I think that this is all a plot to trick us into thinking that he is human. Wonkette should start a kickstarter campaign to fund a documentary that shows that Bush secretly has no heart, that the surgery never happened, and that GW was actually born in Oklahoma, not Texas and therefore not eligible...something something, secretly gay married, muslim...something something.

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All in all, a good argument for getting your cholesterol checked. But, like great beauty or the ability to snark, a tendency for high cholesterol levels is inherited. So go ahead and have that bacon double cheeseburger.

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The problem was always an obsession with outsourcing. Bush outsourced his brain function to Rove and Cheney.

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