Easily spotted!!!No pun intended right???Ah fuck it pun intended

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Freedumb is infectious.

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What is it with everybody's (well, not mine, but a lot of everybody else's) punctuation marks here lately? Huh?

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<em>“we will need something from the top down to make sure that everyone stays vaccinated,”</em>

Hold on, let me run it through the English-to-Wingnut translator:

<b>"The government should storm your house, hold your kid down and inject them with God knows what in the name of 'public safety'."</b>

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I love right-wing ethics so much.

Putting the wrong plant in your pipe: GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!

Behaving in a fundamentally reckless manner, endangering the health of everyone around you? FREEDUMB!

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Plastic bread bags arent only useful for keeping your hobo shoes dry, they also can be fashioned into a Haz-Mat suit when the Ebola pox simplex IV outbreak occurs!

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Host Jenna Lee should invite some kids with measles onto the show. Into the studio.

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Makes way more sense for the non-vaccinated to walk around with HUGE NVs on there faces.

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