I think that was one of Ralph Wiggum's favorites

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does that mean the man from Mars is coming?(to go out at night and eat up cars?)

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Remember the Al Smith dinner? He was clearly reading his jokes, and stumbling badly.

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Blond Argentinians with big tits, you say? You have my attention.

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[I know you were trying to say that which is why expanded upon it, but that's so nice of you to compliment my prose.] My cat was very cuddly last night but that's not every night. He's an indoor cat but today kept meowing so my sons were totes cat-whipped by his adorable ginger tabby face and dainty little cat mouth which belies his cold-blooded killer instincts...No song birds were harmed by him, thank goodness.

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Damn it! Why haven't the Native Americans been running against that illegal immigrant, Trump?!

As a friend who's part Native American puts it, "Native Americans had really *bad* immigration laws".

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"Chupa mí churro"... I've heard that one before.

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If they complain about anything (safety, under-payment, over-time...) you can get deported.

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There are only two Christians Trump likes and they are both Corinthians.

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I understand that but the point is that the Trumps have no empathy or compassion for others and condemn others for things the Trumps are themselves guilty of doing.

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I despise Donald Trump.

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I'll repeat what I said elsewhere: Melania has been absent most of the time. She's invisible. She has no heart in any of this.She's just an accessory in a batshit crazy campaign. Not comparable in any way to Michelle Obama campaigning for her husband or Ann Romney, or Laura bush , and certainly not Hillary during the 90's.Melania is an ornament - she parrots what she is told to say. I cannot work up the passion to despise her because there is no there there..

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Exactly . She was given something to say - she is pathetic.

My comment about slutshaming was in response to something someone claimed on here but my overall issue with Melania is that she's just an ornament. She has no convictions of her own- she is told what to say, what to do. I can't work up the passion to despise someone who is basically a walking doll -

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my slutshaming comment was in response to something else said in this thread...... but I maintain : Melania is boring and a walking doll, she's had little to no impact this entire election cycle, I can't work up any passion to despise her.

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I have a friend who's one of the 65k jews Bush Sr got out of the Soviet Union. She and her mom had to hang out in western Europe for a while before they could get the paperwork handled even with the direct intervention of the sitting president. She's pretty hardcore about undocumented immigrants because she feels pretty much the way Melania Trump says she feels about it.

But then she did follow the rules, and Melania clearly didn't.

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Funny, it sure looks to me like Michelle's been the greatest First Lady EVER. Even greater than Eleanor.

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