Yes it is. It is called an execution.

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They really do not care about women and children.

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They really do not care about women and children.

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Well,, Sarah Palin was right about "deaath panels." She just got the party wrong.

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"enormously cruel and a crisis of callousness by our governor and state of Florida who are willing to sacrifice sick children for their political aims,”

What the fuck kind of world do we live in where throwing sick kids off health insurance is a political win?

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Ta, Robyn. DeathSentence has disgusted me since the first time I heard of him. How many dead women and children will he be responsible for? The Shadow Knows.

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How many dead women and children HAS HE BEEN responsible for? FIFY

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There will be many more. There will be blood.

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Sadly, true........This is just another 'attention' play by Rhonda.......his Hell on earth is not being in the lime-light. Nothing gives me more pleasure than watching this guy, with short man syndrome, being overlooked and ignored.......

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It's all about "God's will". For the republican christian believers, if you have money and can afford healthcare for your children, it is because you have lived right and God has blessed you. If your child gets sick, that is God's will. When your child gets better because of medical treatment, that is also God's will.

On the other hand, if you are poor, it is because you are not living right and you brought it on yourself. If your child gets sick, that is also God's will. He could save that child without medical care. So if he doesn't... it is his will.

This fits with the republican's who may not believe in God's will, but they do believe in survival of the fittest. If a rich child is healed because they have the resources for medical care, that is congruent with their belief. If a child dies because of lack of resources, that is because they, or their family, were not fit.

It is the same belief system and has the same effect, but christians crouch it in different language. It boils down to the authoritarian mind set. When it comes to a woman being pregnant, that is God's will. For a woman to take actions to end the pregnancy, that is counter to God's will. If a baby dies a few days after birth, that is God's will that the baby be born and live for only a few days.

It all fits together according to their twisted logic.

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I hate it here!

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Republicans despise women and children. And Noem and Trump also despise dogs.

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If you told me DeSantis was literally kicking children in the face, I’d find that believable. I don’t think there’s a bottom for him.

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Once born children are of no use until they can work in a meat processing plant or be cannon fodder.

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So, obviously a fetus is not a child, otherwise pro-life wouldn't give a damn about them.

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Silly monkey! Only embryos and fetuses have rights, once they are humans and out in the air whatever rights they have depend entirely on their class and color- just like the rest of Floridians.

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It has never been about children. These people are flat out horrible.

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I can't help but notice that the conservative prioritization of intervention on behalf of fetal tissue but not children seems modeled on their omnipotent god who intervenes in football games but not genocides.

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Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... My jaws hurt from clinching them while reading this story. There is no torture or pain too grievous to wish upon Ron DeSantis. This is, of course, his audition for VP now that he's back to licking Trump's sweaty orange grundle again. Loathsome, worthless and sadistic assholes. 😡😡😡

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