Abortion restrictions apply only to poor (black)This puts the word Chattel in front of "Economic Slavery"

Poor, will be born to poverty.There is no escape your race.

Rich women will still book charter flights to Zurich.

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maybe not 1000 years ago?Life spans were less than 40

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The main reason for the mandatory-motherhood-movement is that more babies drives down wages when they grow up by increasing the labor supply, and drives up prices by driving up demand. Low wages and high prices means it is easier to skim profits. How else are the fascists (meaning government-by-corporation advocates) going to be able to skim more profits? Then they sell their minions on the idea that they are better than everybody else because they worship fetuses (because they are cute?). Never mind that false-idol thing in the ten commandments, they don't pay attention.

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I think you got it.

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"...fascists (meaning government-by-corporation advocates)..." Lest anyone forget, this is the definition of "fascism,"- by the book.

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Gotta say, regarding the Magdalene Laundries woman: if you voted for Assmouth in both ‘16 and ‘20, I’d acknowledge that maybe you were just sticking to your guns because you really believed in conservative principles. If you voted from him in ‘16 but not in ‘20, I’d think that at least you could learn. If you didn’t vote for him in ‘16 but DID in ‘20, you did so because you realized he is exactly what you want running the country. So despite what you wear on your head, you can fuck right the fuck off.

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The reality is, unless YOU are god, you have no clue when the “soul enters the body.” But by making it about that you have opened the argument up to a discussion akin to how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Nobody will ever win that argument, because it can’t be proven one way or another.

This issue is not about souls, but about women’s bodily autonomy. If you want to argue points of theology, go back to seminary and leave the rest of us alone.

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We have been brought up to think evil and bad people wear their evilness and badness on the outside. We think we should identify them just by looking jus like orcs, zombies and comicbook bad guys. What we should realize is that it is thoughts and deeds that define us.I don't care what anyone else did as a result of discovering herself pregnant. Every woman has the human right to decide whether she will carry on with the pregnancy or not and access to safe options that will terminate it if she so decides.

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Because that's normal?

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Most of the 9 were state kids she was paid to keep.

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Amy Phony Parrot does that too.

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If true, then she has clearly never listened to any of the lyrics.

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She’s basically saying that the game plan is to entrap women by getting them hooked on being mommies, and then abandon them.

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You mean Chris Christie? He claims to be a major Springsteen fan; never heard him mention the Dead. But maybe I missed it; I tried to ignore him the four years I lived in NJ

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She voted for Drumpf in 2020 because she wanted to be his next SUPCO nominee.

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Good catch! I hate the way "mom" and "dad" have replaced, well, you know. And don't get me started on "kids."

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