Gay and Republican, Republican despite gay- so he figures they will swallow anything

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That is fantastic. I salute you.

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A US Senator is pretty much a "DC politician" by definition. Also, I don't know about how he sounds, but Cruz certainly looks slick. Oil-slick, specifically.

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notice the warm, human eyes and genuine smile of the one on the right (the late Al Lewis); then see the monster next to him, and shudder. Al is dead, the smirking putz isn't. what a shitty world this is

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So very true!

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There is an old adage, that Democrats fall in love with their leaders and Republicans fall in line.Now, we are seeing the far right trying very hard to find someone to fall in love with, and repeatedly getting their lil hearts all sorts of stomped.*invests in popcorn futures* However funny, this may not be a good thing *Also in whiskey futures* because it would behoove us, as rationally minded libtards *Also, too, in tissue futures and what the hell, may as well chuck in ammo there too* to want our fellow Americans to be rational type individuals and not trying to cop our thing.

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I dunno that Evan did that, did he? I thought that was a legt hump the hipsters Cruz poster?

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This is why straight guys have it made. We have a two to one advantage, women to men. Somehow, when we get older they think we become distinguished and, if that wasn't stupid enough, they think dad-bods are cool. We don't even have to be smart or nice. No self respecting gay man would put up with this shit.

It's just not fair I tell you.

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Was he born here? I do believe that would have some merit under the plain meaning of this part of the constitution: No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;

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Yep, it's done by that one right-wing Anonymous person who also did the Obama/joker/socialism poster.

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Apparently that doesn't matter if you're white.

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Ima say something about water chestnuts just to give one more up-vote!

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That one never made any sense to me.

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The scary part is that Republicans recruit them.

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Mebbe they could go to Republican conversion therapy...

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And it seems the DNC wants us all to fall in line for this election. How the roles have changed for this election.

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