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I don't know, I'm always impressed with how effective Fox propaganda is. I am afraid they'll decide the people who are at fault need to die.

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I guess the FEMA Trains were all replaced with horse-drawn wagons during Michael Brown's tenure, and they're still en route.

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I sort of know who he is, like a Kardashian or a Dr. Oz.

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Ted Cruz is a fucking Fascist. He's also a idiot who has no idea of what that whole "defending and protecting the Constitution" means. He's a goddamn fraud.

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But has Honey Boo Boo weighed in on this? (no pun intended, but yeah I guess pun stays anyway)

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Callyson I couldn't help but notice and I don't know if anyone has ever told you, but your shit don't stink.

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Kennedy took, like, forever to get her V chip stamped.

So, she knows sadness. Sadness is a friend of hers.

And Dog? He ain't sadness.

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You can hunt ducks with dogs. Teaching a spaniel to fly is the hard part.

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Double feature, the notebook followed by The Piano. Even sadder .

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Is America becoming a nation of RINOs? Discuss.

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Pussy is hot, delectable, juicy, fragrant, and just mouth-wateringly good.

R, P, and C (with a bonus B, and a W and a C) are shit-producers.

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When Dog bites Fox it's news, they say,But when Dog backs Dog they shout "Hooray!"For Hillary, Big Dog's HillaryThe Prez of U-S-A!

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I sort of know who he is, too. About the same way I know what "People Magazine" is. That is to say; I've heard of it, so I'm vaguely aware of it's existence. Same with Kardashian whoosey-whatsits. But now you hint that there's a doctor from Oz? Because THAT would be just too damn cool to be true!

Oh wait; would "knowing who the hell that is" require sitting through commercials? I'm allergic to commercials. Plus, I bet he's not actually from Oz, anyway.

Seriously; turn that damn thing off. And never look back.

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