I hope the DOJ give this dipshit the circle of shame https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Save you watch! Save your watch!

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I saw it as a young child. It scared me more than Godzilla.

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I wonder what his chances are in November.

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Are they friendly spirits?

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Presumably Kushner already knows whats in Don Jrs testimony. Unless a) Don Jr is just so dumb he can't remember what lies he told, or b) Don Jr is angling to backstab Kushner in their never-ending courtier's dance and is trying to keep what he said secret so Kushner can't prepare.

As usual, the answer is probably c) all of the above.

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That was “Good Hair” Perry who graduated in Animal Husbandry at Texas A&M. No word what animal he was husband to for his senior project.

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It's not stupid. It's racism. Trump is the avatar of white male privilege. People like Nunes (and Kelly, and the WH doctor, and etc.) simply cannot help themselves; they must follow where he guides, for he is all the light in the world to them.

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He’s in California. I hope Dems run someone great against him and he gets voted out.

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I'm 100% serious: I was eating when I read this post; I got to "rubbing his special memo down his pants on his No-No Zone" and choked so hard my hubby had to give me the Heimlich. Two things: 1. pizza is an effective projectile. 2. Don't eat or drink while reading Evan's posts.

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Well, if unread emails can somehow be a thing, why not unread memos?

They succeeded at this shit once, so it's natural they will try again.

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We can just read Uday's lyin' testimony, right?

I mean, we don't have to watch his incorrectly arranged face doing it, do we? Because I don't think I could take it for long, if we do.

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"We have here this secret memo (which we wrote) that exposes corruption, conspiracy and stuff in the FBI, but you can't see this memo because it contains classified information, and also we actually haven't seen or read it either because if we had, we'd be charged with reading classified information that we are NOT supposed to be reading, but also maybe we already are guilty because we leaked (fuck leaked, screamed from the roof tops) the fact we have this classified information (that we should not be having and be reading, remember!) to the press.

Also we are far more interested in talking about this conspiracy and having this "hurr-hurr" feeling of superiority by holding on to our "sekrit memo" (which NO ONE has read, not even us because that's against the law and we are not lawbreakers except we are) instead of giving it to people who ARE qualified to actually read such classified information, and more importantly, DO something about this alleged conspiracy that our alleged "sekrit memo" that we totally did not read alleges."

Department of Nunes in a nutshell.

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Is "Devin" even a name?

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Obviously it's because this type of shit won them the election so why stop Uncle Vlad continuing to help them now?

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